Sunday, November 29, 2009

Universal Studios Singapore ticket price has been announced. Should be great for next year's holiday.

One Day Pass*
Weekdays: Adult: S$66 Child: S$48 Senior Citizen: S$32
Weekends: Adult: S$72 Child: S$52 Senior Citizen: S$36

Two Day Pass*
All days: Adult: S$118 Child: S$88 Senior Citizen: S$58

Express Pass*
Weekdays: additional S$30 to original ticket price S.H.
Weekdays: additional S$48 to original tiket price (school holidays*)
Weekends: additional S$68 to original ticket price

(*Express passes offers ticket holders priority access to all attractions. A limited number of express passes are sold each day, and it has to be bought in conjunction with an admission pass.)

Additional notes:
1. All prices are in Singapore dollars.
2. Weekends price includes black-out dates, plublic holidays, eve of plublick holidays & super-peak periods
3. Cost of ticket includes admission to all attractions in the park
4. Adult refers to ages 13 and above
5. Child refers to ages 4-12
6. Senior refers to ages 65 and above
7. The above rates are valid until further notice. All rates are subject to change without prior notice.


Posted via web from Me featuring The World

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

American Parkour released an article as a respond to recent CNN article featuring Sean Hannah

It's not just that they don't have a full mastery of the techniques. If they haven't been training long enough, they simply aren't experienced enough to fully understand each of the techniques, and how to explain them. Just like you wouldn't learn baseball from someone who first picked up a bat a year ago, or martial arts from a yellow belt, you don't want to learn parkour from an inexperienced teacher. This article was inspired by a recent CNN article featuring Sean Hannah, who was a student at Primal Fitness just last summer. By watching the video, you can clearly see his inexperience with parkour techniques. It is dangerous to have inexperienced people teaching parkour, and every injury that results from a inexperienced teacher results in more negative press for parkour.

Last night, I posted my thought about CNN Health Minute article. As I said, that Sean Hannah guy didn't seem walking in the wrong direction. He explains the history and philosophy of parkour pretty well. But then comes the videos.

For those of you who have trained parkour must've understand that you can't jump and do a breakfall like he did. I mean, the article from American Parkour above is now answered my question. Hannah was a student at Primal Fitness just last summer! It means he's just aprrox. So it's around 6 months, isn't it?

6 months could make you understand the fundamental well but I don't think so with the techniques, except you're training for 24/7 in those months. I guess it's not a problem if CNN interviewed him (since media won't care about which one is parkour or not), but it became everyone's concern since Hannah opened a parkour class in a gym.

This is a challenge to every practitioners that we spread parkour just the way we already understand it. Parkour teaches us to measure ourselves and if you're doing it right, you'll know when is the right time for you to be ready to share what you've got from your parkour training.

Posted via web from Me featuring The World

Monday, November 23, 2009

Parkour on CNN Health Minute

You also have to be mentally ready. "Just like playing golf, tennis or other physical activities, you're always thinking about the next step," he says. "You need to be focused with each movement that you take and never second-guess yourself.

This Sean Hannah guy explains parkour in a pretty good way. And another good thing is CNN also interviewed Dr. David Johnson (former Olympian and orthopedic surgeon) that warns, "Parkour is not a competitive sport. It is a vigorous form of exercise."

Hannah has already got a good understanding about the philosophy but somehow I'm kinda worried after watching the 2 videos *click here if you can't watch the video below* about him on I learned that we have to tuck our feet in almost every jumps we do (especially in precision jump) so we can focus on our foot placement and landed precisely.

This one is a very basic technique and that's why I'm kinda worry about it. But, let's say that he's just quite nervous on camera. You did a great job, buddy!

Posted via web from Me featuring The World

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hot Movie : MUI Anggap '2012' Propaganda Agama Tertentu

"Film itu misi terselubung atau propaganda dari agama tertentu," ujar Amidhan, ketua MUI saat bincang-bincang dengan detikhot lewat telepon, Rabu (18/11/2009).

Amidhan mengungkapkan '2012' sebuah propaganda karena menampilkan visual bangunan yang mirip mesjid hancur. Sementara, di sisi lain bangunan gereja tidak dihancurkan oleh sang sutradara. Sekedar informasi, bangunan berkubah di film itu adalah St Peter's Basilica yang berada di Vatikan.

"Ada gambar kubah yang hancur," jelas Amidhan yang sudah menyaksikan langsung film tersebut.

Nanti kalo St Peter's Basilica mau renovasi mungkin lebih bagus kalo pake bentuk atap prisma segi empat aja biar nggak ketuker2. I mean, KENAPA HARUS ISSUE AGAMA? Fail.

Posted via web from Me featuring The World

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Confirm Your Attendance At Hillsong London Live In Jakarta (18th and 19th of December 2009)

Dear Daniel,

Thanks for your confirmation. Please help us getting your friends and family confirming their coming through email. just copy paste the text below and fwd to ur friends.

We need 100.000 people perday.

Hey everybody,

On the 18th and 19th of December 2009,
HILLSONG London will perform Live in Jakarta (Music starts @ 5pm
This event is FREE OF CHARGE and is a part of a 2 days national
prayer movement led by REV. REINHARD BONNKE for Indonesian youth as
the future leader of the country. This is a 2 days event and we have
a target of 100.000 youths attending daily.
You can help spread this fantastic news by forwarding this email to
friends and family.
However, since this is a free event - we need to anticipate how many
people are going to show up. Therefore, Just type in your email:

*WILL ATTEND ON : a. 18/12/2009 or b.19/12/2009 or c. both days*
*And email your confirmation to:*

you can also visit our facebook event page

Shalom & Keep Inviting

Reachout Foundation
Cyber Campaign Office
Sent from my Blackberry®

Posted via email from Me featuring The World

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fizadolafa: Inilah Bumi 1000 Tahun yg Akan Datang (via @galahramadhan)

Bangunan pertama dibuat di Bulan
Penduduk dunia mencapai 7 miliar. Tranplantasi
organ semakin populer
Setelah menempuh perjalanan 6 bulan, manusia
akhirnya sampai ke
Mars, planet dambaan.
Integrasi komputer-biologi mencapai tahap
Perjalanan New York-London hanya ditempuh 1 jam
dengan pesawat
Rencana perkampungan pertama dibangun di bulan.
Mata uang internasional pertama diperkenalkan.
Robot rumah semakin populer. Pasar-pasar
swalayan di Jedah dan
Riyadh selalu kehabisan stok robot-robot wanita.
Hotel pertama di ruang
Angkasa dibuat.
Populasi ruang angkasa mencapai 100 orang
Robot-manusia mulai diciptakan.
Tempat tinggal permanen di Mars mulai dibangun.
Penggunaan mobil dilarang di seluruh kota besar,
persis sama ketika
Pemda DKI melarang penggunaan becak. Sebagai
gantinya, air-car atau
mobil terbang.
Hovercars (mobil terbang) sudah mulai digunakan
untuk travel
Populasi ruang angkasa mencapai 1000 orang
Anti-gravitasi ditemukan.
Perjalanan dengan kecepatan cahaya mulai
Populasi ruang angkasa mencapai 10.000 orang.
Sebagian besar tinggal
dihotel-hotel ruang angkasa.
Kota pertama di orbit Bumi dibangun.
Sebagian besar penyakit abad ke-21, termasuk AIDS,
telah dinyatakan
Bumi memiliki satu pemerintahan. Tidak ada lagi
batas-batas negara.
Timor-Timur tetap meminta wilayahnya sendiri yang
Populasi ruang angkasa mencapai 1 juta orang.
Teleportasi quantum mulai diperkenalkan.
Populasi ruang angkasa mencapai miliaran, Bumi
semakin sepi.
Titan, Mars, dan Bulan menjadi koloni manusia.
Perjalanan antar-bintang mulai diperkenalkan.
Beberapa galaksi Baru
Yang diduga memiliki kehidupan lain ditemukan.
31 Desember 2999
Seluruh manusia menunggu kedatangan hari kiamat.
1 Januari 3000
Hari kiamat tidak terjadi. Manusia bersorak gembira.
Alien pertama ditemukan di sebuah planet dalam
sistem galaksi
sperikal.Bukan makhluk cerdas, tapi “seekor”
makhluk mirip ikan dan
bunglon yang hidup di rawa-rawa planet itu.
Akhirnya fosil orang2 yg membaca artikel ini ditemukan,
setelah berabad-abad menghilang sejak membaca postingan ini….

Posted via web from Me featuring The World

Mark 13:10 KJV - Online Bible

Mark 13

1 And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here ! 2 And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,4 Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.7 And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.8 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.

9 But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.10 And the gospel must first be published among all nations.11 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

GKI Kebayoran Baru. Sunday service at 7pm. Talking about the happiness in the last days. The sermon shared the passage shared above.

Posted via web from Me featuring The World

Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm selling my 1GB iPod Nano 1st Gen. Anyone interested?

All the functions still work well. Bought in* June 2006* (still keep the invoice).

Inside the box:
- Earphone
- Manual + CD
- USB Data cable
- 1GB iPod Nano 1st Gen

- Black crystal case

Why am I selling this? I've already got its replacement and soon after it sold I'll buy the Nike+ Sensor Kit.
How much is the Nike+ Sensor Kit? It's around *IDR 300,000*.
So, I guess I'll sell my nano with that price too. Anyone interested?

Posted via email from Me featuring The World

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kepanjangan Nama Negara/Kota di Dunia. Jakarta FTW! #joke

H.O.L.L.A.N. D
Hope Our Love Lasts And Never Dies

I Trust And Love You

Love Is Beautiful; You Also

Friendships Remain And Never Can End

Come Here...I Need Affection

Between Us, Remember Me Always

Never Ever Part As Lovers

I Nearly Died In Adoration

Keep Everything Nice, Yet Arousing

Cute And Naughty Action that Developed into Attraction

Keep Optimistic Regardless of Every Adversity

Everything's Great, You Pretty Thing!

May All Nights Inspire Love Always

Phorget (Forget) Everyone... Remember Us

T.H.A.I.L.A. N.D
Totally Happy, Always In Love And Never Dull

J.A.K.A.R.T. A
Jambret Ada, Koruptor Ada, Rampok Tentu Ada

Posted via web from Me featuring The World