If you cannot connect to internet for a week because you're in an island, what will you do? :)
Explore the whole island with parkour ;)
my cyber storage of thoughts, stories, memories, life.
If you cannot connect to internet for a week because you're in an island, what will you do? :)
Explore the whole island with parkour ;)
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
3:53 PM
Darn, 2009 is almost over and I remember that I've posted my resolution for 2009 on my blog ( http://kratzervonqronoz.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-resolutions-for-2009.html ). Now let's get some reviews!
1. Start photoblogging. One picture per day in 50mm. Feel free to
visit Dunia50mm ! :)
As you can see. It didn't last long. I even got this resolution strikethrough-ed. Only posted 6 out of 365 pics. I've pondered that I'm gonna resurrect this photoblog again in 2010. But can't guarantee about it yet.
2. Trying to put morning Bible reading as a habit.
I have to admit that this is quite hard for me. Succeeded in a month, and then failed a month, and it happened for the rest months of 2009. It means I have failed on this resolution. :(
3. Jog 3 times a week through Cipete Raya - Pangeran Antasari - Asem Dua - Fatmawati - Cipete Raya.
Failed. But I succeeded in running 10km nonstop for the first time. Thank God for Nike+ and GLTD (Ganyang Lemak To Demak) friends on Twitter, now I've got another motivation to run besides parkour. ;)
4. Be a good traceur and spread the original Parkour.
I've realized that this is not a personal resolution anymore. This resolution needs a whole community. I guess Parkour Indonesia (especially Jakarta and Bandung) has been working hard on this and we all wanted everybody to experience parkour. Parkour for everyone!
5. Maintain GPA above 3.00. -_-'
Succeeded! My last GPA after taking a short semester this year is 3.07! ;) Wish I could maintain this until I've got graduated.
6. Involved in many social activities and make a lot of new friends
(and channels for sure).
Also succeeded! And most of my social activities in 2009 are started with Twitter. This 140-character service really brings social life to a complete new level.
How's yours? Please do share! :)
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
3:28 PM
What got you started on Parkour?
A French movie titled Yamakasi. And then I started training with Parkour Indonesia after I read their article on a national newspaper back on 2007.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
11:58 PM
Ask me anything http://formspring.me/qronoz
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
1:05 PM
So the star we are seeing is really how the star looked a million years ago, not how it looks today. In the same way, our sun is 8 or so light minutes away. If the sun were to suddenly explode right now, we wouldn't know about it for eight minutes because that is how long it would take for the light of the explosion to get here.
Even if we are able to travel in light year, we'll spend most of our life in the spaceship. Teleport is the only way.
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/TECH/12/16/super.earth.discovery/index.html
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
7:26 AM
Then there's the secretive Tarahumara tribe, the best long-distance runners in the world. These are a people who live in basic conditions in Mexico, often in caves without running water, and run with only strips of old tyre or leather thongs strapped to the bottom of their feet. They are virtually barefoot.
Come race day, the Tarahumara don't train. They don't stretch or warm up. They just stroll to the starting line, laughing and bantering, and then go for it, ultra-running for two full days, sometimes covering over 300 miles, non-stop. For the fun of it. One of them recently came first in a prestigious 100-mile race wearing nothing but a toga and sandals. He was 57 years old.
Running barefoot, anyone?
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
9:35 AM
Selanjutnya dalam pelaksanaan penindakan pihak Polda masih akan melakukan sosialisasi, ”Kita masih mesosialisasikan mungkin setelah 3 bulan pemasangan baru akan di lakukan penindakan" pungkasnya. Pelaksanaan pemasangan kamera ini untuk sementara ditempatkan dijalur protokol salah satunya di TL Sarinah Jl. MH Thamrin, Jakpus. Nantinya disana akan ditempatkan 4 Kamera dimasing–masing jalur. ”Insya Allah bulan januari tahun depan baru akan dilaunching,” ujar Condro . Condro menambahkan, selain itu Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya pun akan menerapkan Program Yellow Box Junction yaitu Garis berwarna kuning yang akan ditempatkan didepan depan lampu merah yang padat arus lalu lintasnya. Dimana nantinya para pengendara mobil atau motor walaupun lampu hijaunya sudah menyala masih harus berhenti dibelakang garis tersebut. Menunggu kendaraan yang didepannya lancar terlebih dahulu. ”Ini guna menghindari penumpukan kendaraan ditengah perempatan“ ujar Condro. Yellow Box Junction ini pun baru dipasang di dua titik lampu merah di Jakarta yaitu di TL Sarinah dan Kebon Sirih “Team kami masih melakukan pekajian titik–titik mana lagi yang akan ditempatkan,” ujarnya . Selain itu Dirlantas pun menjelaskan pihaknya masih terus menyosialisasikan Undang-Undang No. 22 tahun 2009 tentang Lalulintas dan angkutan jalan. Di antaranya dengan program police goes to campus. “Ini kita masih melakukan seperti di kampus–kampus“ pungkasnya.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
3:21 PM
Dear JJF Loyalists,
How was your long weekend?
Sepertinya akhir pekan lalu, sudah semakin banyak orang yang menunjukkan semangat mereka untuk datang ke JJF 2010 di JI Expo Kemayoran tanggal 5, 6 dan 7 Maret 2010 mendatang. Alhasil kuota tiket dengan harga terdahulu sudah habis!Oleh karena itu, allow us to introduce the new ticket prices:
*until 31 DECEMBER 2009DAILY PASS Friday: Rp 150,000
DAILY PASS Saturday: Rp 150,000
DAILY PASS Sunday: Rp 150,000
3-DAY PASS: Rp 375,000*NOTE: The prices above exclude TAX and SPECIAL SHOW prices, and are available for online purchase at www.javajazzfestival.com/2010/ ticketonlineorder.php until 31 DECEMBER 2009!
Please bear in mind, sekali lagi, harga tiket pre-sale kloter ketiga ini sangat terbatas.. Jadi buat yang belum mengamankan posisi, silahkan mengunjungi www.javajazzfestival.com dan pesan tiket Anda secara online (in the comfort of your choice).Regards,Tim JFP
Barusan baca daily digest dari milis JJF. Baca email dari Mbak Mala (@nrhapsari) kalo ternyata kuota tiket kloter 2 udah abis dan berarti harga naik lagi. Untung waktu itu gw beli masih 287.500. Nggak ada sebulan udah naik sampe 100ribu gini.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
12:19 AM