Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
"The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" is the most genius Superbowl 2010 ad!
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
10:00 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
[Autocomplete] Why Indonesia vs Why Malaysia vs Why Singapore
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
12:35 PM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
How to go from couch potato to motivated runner
Set goals.
After the initial “starting out” period, set realistic goals for yourself. Goal setting involves making a personal investment, and when achieved can greatly enhance motivation. However, you want to be careful not to move too fast. Be patient with your mind and body!
Chart your progress.
Sometimes it helps to have a visual aid. Cut out a picture of your “ideal runner” and tape it to your cupboard or refrigerator, with a chart for your distance and times. Actually “seeing” progress is a great way to maintain motivation!
Tune in to your body.
Experiment with different times of the day, if possible, to find the time when your body performs most efficiently. This can be very different for some people, and is one reason that many are not successful. If you are trying to run in the wee hours of the morning, and your peak performance time is late afternoon, then you will feel tired, sluggish and far less motivated.
Equip yourself with the right tools.
Comfort is the key above all else when you are just starting out! Visit your local running store for advice on the proper gear (shoes, socks and other clothing) for your running level. Make sure that your shoes and socks fit properly, feel great and that all of your clothing is weather appropriate. Add a pedometer, a water bottle belt, or an IPod into the mix if it makes your run more enjoyable.
When you hit a rut, shake things up!
Sometimes it just takes a tiny change to recharge our motivation levels. Chart a new route or switch to a treadmill for a change of pace. Try running with a partner or alone, depending on your current circumstance. Load some energetic new tunes onto your iPod or check out a new pair of running shoes.
Exercise your body, relax your mind.
Try interrupting your running week with a day for yoga, tai chi or meditation. Not only will this help to break up the monotony and improve your focus, but a little less stress never hurt anyone!
Staying motivated to run is a long-term process, but just starting is the hardest part. Everyone has their own unique formula to stay motivated, but with consistency and attention to the ideas above, the experience will be much more enjoyable.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
9:32 PM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Contoh celana training buat danus Jamming Nasional 2010 #parkour
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
9:34 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Earth Hour 2010, Find out how you can get involved.
Whether you are an individual, a business, a school or a city, you can show your support for Earth Hour by turning off your lights at 8.30PM on March 27 wherever you are on the planet. If you would like to find out more about running Earth Hour in your own country, city or town then please contact us.
You can support Earth Hour by:
- Turning off your lights at 8.30PM on March 27
- Showing your support and adding yourself to our world map
- Adding Earth Hour widgets, logos and banners to your blog or website to help us spread the word
- Talking about Earth Hour in your social network by updating your Facebook status, grabbing a Twibbon, tweeting about your support, and more
- Get together with your friends and family, by hosting an Earth Hour party or holding your own candlelit affair
- Rally your local council or community group to run an Earth Hour event for your community
- Encourage your employer and workmates to take part in Earth Hour and make energy savings every day
- Make an Earth Hour Lantern as a symbol of hope for the future
- Be creative! Find a new way to mark Earth Hour and let us know all about it!
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
2:22 PM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Jump Westminster. A must watch documentary about parkour develompent in schools and community groups.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
9:52 AM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Bidders for the 2018/2022 FIFA World Cup™ videos as seen on FIFA official website.
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Australia
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - England
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Netherlands/Belgium
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Indonesia
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Japan
*Been looking for Japan bid video everywhere beside the one on FIFA website but found nothing, even the unofficial one. Please send comment with the link if you find one. Original link for Japan video*
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Korea Republic
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Qatar
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Russia
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - Spain/Portugal
Bidders for the FIFA World Cup™ 2018/2022 - USA
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
8:06 AM
Asian Debate: Which Of Asia's 2018/2022 World Cup Contenders Is The Best Bet? -
Indonesia (2022 only)
Star Power – As yet nothing. FA chief Nurdin Halin was busy in Jakarta, in the words of the bid team, helping the government with its plan to increase exports.Video – Good and focused on Indonesia’s strengths such as the beauty of the country, the location within South-East Asia, the hospitality of the people and the passion for the beautiful game.
The Indonesians Love Their Football
Pros – The friendliest bid. Also, taking the biggest sporting event in the world to the biggest Muslim nation has its appeal and does the fact that south-east Asia as a whole is crazy about football. It would also do wonders for the country’s standing.Cons – Infrastructure, football and otherwise, would need serious investment and it is hard to see a mention of Indonesia and 2022 without the word terrorism – the smoke from the July bombings will take time to fade.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
8:01 AM
Interviews > David Belle: District 13: Ultimatum
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
6:00 AM
Friday, February 5, 2010
Apa itu parkour? What is parkour? C'est quoi parkour?
Artikel ini ditulis oleh Brex (Traceur asal Malang) dan Bullseye (Traceur asal Jakarta)
Dikutip dari berbagai sumber
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
4:25 PM
Shocking Facts About Marijuana
Joe Rogan - The Number 1 reason why Marijuana is Illegal is because the Pharma Cartel does not want you to grow your own Medicine. The Declaration of Independence was written on Hemp. The first car ever made ran on Hemp oil. Hemp seeds are also the healthiest food on the planet with the highest protein content out of any plant.
Marijuana Facts:
Annual Causes of Deaths in United States
When a private enterprise fails, it is closed down; when a government enterprise fails, it is expanded. Isn't that exactly whats been happening with drugs?
~Milton Friedman
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
10:30 AM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ngomongin Parkour di Black in News on Radio (@hardrockfm)
Sekitar jam 8 pagi tanggal 2 Februari 2010. Direlay ke Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan Bali. Semoga bisa ngasih gambaran singkat tentang apa itu parkour. ;)
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
2:09 PM
Beli celana trainingnya. Support Jamming Nasional 2010! #parkour
SELURUH keuntungan ditujukan untuk pelaksanaan Jamming Nasional 2010 dan akan masuk sebagai uang kas untuk mendatangkan Parkour Generations.
Berminat? Hubungi Muhammad Fadli ( untuk wilayah Jabodetabek, Lampung, Palembang, Padang, Medan, Jambi, dan Batam.
Untuk Bandung dan sekitarnya dapat menghubungi Randy Vandahlan ( selaku koordinator Parkour Bandung.
Kaos menyusul!
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
12:55 PM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
"Sampai kapan gw berlatih parkour?". Sebuah catatan singkat dari Hendry Hilmawan (@axl_extreme)
Di note ini gw hanya sekedar sharing tentang pengalaman pribadi gw dan terinspirasi oleh banyak orang yang bertanya ke gw: "sampai kapan loe berlatih parkour?". Pertanyaan yang bagus menurut gw. Semua diantara kita pasti mempunyai motivasi berbeda untuk berlatih parkour. Ada yang biar keren, biar bisa lompat dari lantai dua, biar fisiknya kuat, biar kurus/gemuk atau lebih berotot, dan lain-lain.
Itu hanya sedikit contoh dari sebagian motivasi para teman-teman kita. Nah, pertanyaannya: "sampai kapan loe berlatih parkour?"
Sampai bisa terkenal? (mungkin ada orang yang seperti ini)
Sampai bisa flip? (kan keren tuh katanya kalau sudah bisa flip-flip, setelah itu jadi stunt man)
Sampai bisa jago? (ada juga loh orang seperti ini)
Mungkin itu juga hanya sebagian contoh kecil saja dan mungkin bisa jadi Anda orang yang seperti di atas?
Ok, kita tinggalkan semua hal yang tidak penting, saatnya mengoreksi diri masing-masing untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik. Setelah gw banyak mendapatkan pertanyaan dari orang-orang, baik dari teman-teman parkour, ataupun orang lain, bahkan dari orang yang paling dekat dengan gw pun pernah bertanya ke gw, pada saat mereka bertanya: “sampai kapan loe berlatih parkour?”, pada saat itu juga gw hanya bisa menjawab dengan jawaban simple: “sampai gw tua dan tidak sanggup berdiri lagi”.
Setelah gw menyadari dan gw bertanya kepada diri gw sendiri: “sampai kapan gw berlatih parkour?”, setelah pulang latihan gw membuka dan banyak mempelajari lagi artikel yang telah gw download, tidak sampai di situ saja, gw teruskan dengan browsing untuk mencari artikel tentang parkour yang belum gw dapat, karena bagi gw membaca dan mempelajari semua artikel yang gw dapat makin memperluas pengetahuan gw tentang parkour. Gw baca artikel tentang kehidupan dan metode latihan George Hebert, gw melihat banyak video tentang interview David Belle, dll.
Setelah semua artikel tersebut tersaring dan masuk ke dalam otak, gw akhirnya dapat jawaban sesungguhnya dari diri gw sendiri tentang "apa itu parkour?" dan "sampai kapan gw berlatih parkour?". Jawaban gw adalah “sampai semua terbiasa”. Terbiasa di segala aspek kehidupan (segala kondisi cuaca, lingkungan, dll). Gw akan melakukan semuanya sampai gw terbiasa dan tidak merasa lelah lagi.
Sampai kapan gw melakukan lari sprint? Sampai gw merasakan seperti jalan biasa.
Sampai kapan gw berlatih memanjat? Sampai gw seperti menaiki tangga biasa.
Sampai kapan gw melakukan push up? Sampai terasa ringan/seperti bangun dari tidur.
Sampai kapan gw berlatih pistol squad? Sampai gw seperti merasa baru bangun dari tempat duduk.
Sampai kapan gw melakukan muscle up? Sampai gw seperti mengangkat jemuran.
Sampai kapan gw melakukan pull up? Sampai gw seperti memakai baju.
Sampai kapan gw berlatih precision? Sampai gw merasakan seperti melangkah biasa.
Sampai kapan gw berlatih dips? Sampai gw seperti memakai celana.
Sampai kapan gw berlatih parkour? Sampai semuanya menjadi terbiasa seperti gw bernafas.
Sampai kapan gw berlatih fisik? Sampai semuanya tidak terasa lelah lagi yang berarti sampai gw tidak bernafas lagi.
Mohon maaf sebelumnya jika ada kata-kata yang salah dan tidak berkenan di hati teman-teman. Dari note pendek ini semoga bisa diambil hikmahnya untuk teman-teman semua baik dari PKID maupun orang lain. Respect!
Inspired by : The people, Friends, George Hebert, David Belle, My 2nd family (PKID), My 1st family (My wife, Karla and Axl), Almarhum Bokap dan kakek gw yang telah memberi ilmu dan motivasi.
Source: (dengan sedikit penyuntingan)
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
12:02 PM
To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes | Wired Science |
How to Run Barefoot
If you’re interested in trying out barefoot (or nearly barefoot) running, keep in mind that it will take your body some time to get used to it. Here are some tips from the experts to get you started.
- Start slow, with quarter-mile runs at most, and build up very gradually.
- Listen to your feet. Don’t try to run with the same gait you use in shoes — shorten your steps and land on the forward part of your foot.
- Keep your head up and your body vertical. Your feet should be hitting the ground almost directly underneath you, not in front of you.
- Ankle and calf strength is key to avoiding injury, so consider Ferber’s four-week barefoot strengthening program before you start (.doc).
- Keep barefoot running to no more than 10 percent of your weekly regimen, especially at first.
- If you’re running completely barefoot, run on a mix of soft and hard surfaces to give your feet time to toughen up.
Finally, don’t try this if you suffer from diabetes or another condition that would affect your ability to feel and respond to sensations from your feet.
“Like any part of your body, you have to build up very, very slowly,” says Lieberman. “If you really pay attention to your body and build up slowly, you’ll be fine.”
For more advice and information, check out Barefoot Ken Bob and Barefoot Ted’s websites, as well as the barefoot running forum on the Runner’s World community site.
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
10:22 AM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Setelah penantian yang panjang, Harga Pelajar untuk pembelian tiket AXIS Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2010 akan Segera Hadir!
Tahun ini, pada tahunnya yang keenam, AXIS Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2010 akan memberikan penawaran istimewa dengan cara yang tak kalah istimewa untuk mereka yang masih berstatus pelajar dan tidak sabar untuk mengamankan tiket masuk ke Festival tersebut. Untuk membuat pengalaman membeli tiket lebih seru, pada edisi Festival ini, satu unit Mobile Ticket Box Java Jazz Festival akan mulai beredar akhir minggu ini dan dikhususnya HANYA untuk melayani pelajar. Mobile Ticket Box Java Jazz Festival tersebut (gampang sekali terlihat karena warnanya yang seru dan hadirnya logo Java Jazz Festival yang khas) akan hadir di lokasi tertentu (universitas, tempat nongkrong dan tempat Java Jazz on the Move) menawarkan harga tiket sebagai berikut: ** HARGA TIKET KHUSUS PELAJAR (sudah termasuk pajak)- DAILY PASS: Rp 115,000 Selain itu, ada paket DAILY PASS + SPECIAL SHOW khusus Pelajar, sebagai berikut:
- DAILY PASS Friday (5 Maret 2010) + Special Show JOHN LEGEND (section C): Rp 300,000
- DAILY PASS Saturday (6 Maret 2010) + Special Show TONI BRAXTON: Rp 230,000
- DAILY PASS Saturday (6 Maret 2010) + Special Show THE MANHATTAN TRANSFER "THE CHICK COREA SONGBOOK"): Rp 230,000
- DAILY PASS Sunday (7 Maret 2010) + Special Show KENNY "BABYFACE" EDMONDS: Rp 230,000 Syarat dan Ketentuan:
1. WAJIB membawa Kartu Pelajar/Mahasiswa Asli
2. Jumlah maksimal pembelian per 1 (satu) Kartu Pelajar adalah 4 (empat) lembar tiket.
3. Pembelian tidak dapat diwakilkan.
4. Pembelian dengan harga khusus Pelajar hanya berlaku untuk pembelian di MOBILE TICKET BOX JAVA JAZZ FESTIVAL Nantikan kehadiran Mobile Ticket Box Java Jazz Festival di lokasi pertama Java Jazz on the Move, Margo City Depok pada 5 Februari 2010 (Cari di Parkiran Ozone Area mulai pukul 13.00). Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai lokasi-lokasi Mobile Ticket Box Java Jazz Festival selanjutnya, jangan sampai ketinggalan berita, kunjungi situs resmi (, Twitter (@JavaJazzFest, @JavaJazz2010), BNI Blackberry Application for AXIS Java Jazz Festival 2010 ( dan Facebook (Group: Java Jazz Festival).
Posted by
Daniel Giovanni
10:08 PM