Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What happens when you wear the wrong running shoes | RunAddicts

Finding the RIGHT running shoes for YOU can be daunting task taking into consideration the endless options you have but it is certainly worth the effort. Your running shoes play a major role diminishing the effect of the hammering of your feet when they hit the ground. In addition, your shoes absorb all kinds shearing and twisting forces generated when you run.

So, if you choose the wrong running shoe, you will have to deal with all these side effects. This article provides essential running shoe buying tips to help you out. Let’s get started…

What is pronation and how does it affect your choice of a running shoe?

Pronation is the rolling motion that absorbs the effect of landing on the outside of your heel as your feet hit the ground. That’s why; pronation is essential in helping you balance your run. However, it is not uncommon for runners “overpronate” and roll their feet too far while running.

You need to find out if you are an “overpronator” or not prior to buying running shoe as there are many shoes designed to help you control your foot strike and minimize the effect of overpronation.

In order to figure out your pronation level, you can get a Gait Test – a specialized test designed to test foot pronation level.

Running Shoes Types/purposes

  • Neutral: These shoes are designed for runners who have a normal pronation and those who “underpronate”. Underpronators in particular should look for well-cushioned running shoes.
  • Support: These types of shoes offer some support for overpronation reduction but they still have the same cushioning as neutral shoes. These shoes are ideal for those who mildly overpronate.
  • Motion Control: These shoes provides excessive support for heavy overpronators.
  • Trail: If you are running off road, go for these types of shoes
  • Lightweights: These shoes can be supportive or neutral but in both cases they are designed for use in racing or fast training
  • Racers: These shoes are designed exclusively for racing or ultra-fast training. Although these shoes are very light, they offer limited protection. However, some of them include overpronation support.

General running shoe buying tips

  • Try to buy your running shoes as late in the day as possible since studies have shown feet tend to expand few millimeters up to 2 centimeters by the end of the day
  • Go to specialized running stores or go for the running shoes section in big stores. Many runners have indicated that they get a much better quality in specialized running stores compared to ordinary sports shoes
  • Here is a common sense advice: make sure to try out the shoe wearing the same sock you plan to wear when running later on
  • Make sure to change your shoes after 400 miles of usage at most. This is because by that time, the shoe heel and mid sole will start to degenerate. You can still wear the shoes causally for walking or any non-running activity if you wish.
  • Make sure to measure your feet whenever you buy a new running shoe
  • In order to protect your toes while running and allow for the swelling of your feet as you run, make sure there is a finger-width space between your great toe and the shoe box. Alternatively, you can have a thumb width at the end of the shoe. You will end up buying shoes that are bigger in size than what you normally wear but that’s perfectly OK.
  • Enough is enough! You shouldn’t exceed the finger-wide span because it is not recommended to wear very loose running shoes.
  • if your running store offers a treadmill or forceplate assessment, by all means take advantage of that. However, to ensure accuracy, make sure that the one doing the assessment is qualified
  • NEVER wear a brand new running shoe for a race; make sure you already used them for 100 miles runs at minimum
  • Another common sense advise: avoid going to running shoe stores during weekends when they are overly crowded and you might not get the assistance you need

Does that sound like a lot of work?

Well, you must take your running alongside its requirement seriously. However, you may kiss running shoes goodbye forever and try barefoot running. Most barefoot runners are so happy about the experience but the final decision is yours. Whatever you do, make sure to keep running. Have fun!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why do I choose Feiyue shoes for my parkour training?


Grip: These shoes are the best shoes for grip I've ever worn. They'll grip to almost any surface with ease and you'll very rarely slip. This is also a problem as sometimes you need some slip on things like arm jumps to avoid hurting your ankles.

Shock absorption: NONE, these shoes are as basic as they come. You'll be relying almost completely on your muscles and landing technique for absorption, however I think this is a good thing.

Weight: Straight away if when you lift your Feiyues they're heavy in comparison to their size and even other trainers. This is due to them having a thick rubber sole. I don't mind them being this weight but others might.

I chose the Feiyues after seeing them in action first hand. I was standing on a slippery wall on a subway watching a friend of mine (Street Team member Luke) do a precision to the other wall. I felt uncomfortable just standing on the wall in my Asics and yet Luke was quite happy jumping and walking up and down the very slippery surface.

The Feiyues have a slightly wider fit them normal trainers and sports shoes, so I found them a bit loose around my ankles but this was sorted with a sorbathane insole. If you have a narrow foot the Feiyue may not be for you. In terms of walking they are comfy but you can tell you're in a thin shoe. Some people may find that uncomfortable.

I had my Feiyues for 3 weeks by the time the sole around the ball of my foot and toes was worn flat, but as these shoes aren't designed for what we do it's to be expected. However, I've had mine since early December and they still have a lot of life in them, and I can do any kind of training in them I wish.

Coming in white or black, both with natural rubber clobbered sole (orange brown), I don't mind the look of them one bit. Although the plimpsole style may remind people of their primary school days doing P.E. in their pants and vests. Definitely not the most fashionable shoe.
I would say these trainers were VERY good for people with good landing technique and understanding of their body / control, as they are very unforgiving if you mess up a landing. Even if you can't do your usual training in them they're great for climbing.

Once you've got comfortable with your running shoes, you should try this one ;)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Don’t Be An Idiot: Running Etiquette & General Tips | RunAddicts

The no-no’s of running

  • Lining up at the front of the race and then running slower than a baby can crawl.
  • Abruptly stopping during a race. Move to the side first!
  • Running without recovery days, and then complaining about getting injured.
  • Not returning greetings or simple nods when passing another runner.
  • Don’t bring your untrained dog to a race.
  • “I just started running. Can I run a marathon in 6 weeks?”
  • If you must spit or blow your nose please do so at the back of the pack.
  • Runners, don’t run WITH traffic. (Are you crazy?)
  • Don’t be a jerk when talking about your pace. (Check out these cartoons)
  • Cutting other runners off & slowing down.
  • Throwing drinks at the feet of the runners behind you.
    Act like a grown-up and throw it in the bin a few paces down the road.
  • Not paying attention to traffic or signals: It makes us all look bad.
  • Ignoring injuries and trying to ‘run through’ them.
  • If you use someone’s mp3-player / gps-tracker, recharge the batteries!
  • Don’t group-hog the entire road/trail width! Let others pass.
  • Being unaware of your surroundings. Does your music have to be that loud? Really?
  • Stopping IMMEDIATELY after the finish line. Keep going a few meters to get out of the way.
  • Don’t give advice without being asked. This holds true to most sports.
  • Bitching about what’s better: Minimal, barefoot or simple running shoes.
    Choose your own poison and enjoy yourself.
  • Not thanking the volunteers.
  • If you must, then at least look before you spit.
  • Don’t be an elitist *insert inappropriate word*. Whether people run 2 miles or 50 miles a week, they’re runners.
  • If the track is very busy, don’t run upstream.
  • If you have a bad case of the tummy demons, it’s nice to move to the back of the line as to not poison the rest of the group behind you.
  • Play nice. Follow the track rules, and don’t be arrogant when someone points out those rules. Crowded tracks need a set of standards to avoid injuries.
  • Don’t cheat races.
  • Inside lanes on tracks are for fast runners.
  • Don’t literally push people forward when the starting gun has fired.
  • Don’t complain about the workout of your group / partner.
  • If running with someone slower, don’t pressure them to speed up.
  • When your running on trails with your dog, clean up its mess.

All the answers above were compiled by RunAddicts from Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook

Friday, January 7, 2011

Budget plan versi ngasal buat ke #RajaAmpat bermodalkan kumpulan tweet @willyirawan

Jadi begini ceritanya, hari Jumat siang ada teman saya namanya Willy (@willyirawan) yang bikin sepaket tweet tentang perjalanan dia ke Raja Ampat beberapa hari yang lalu bersama Adit (@roarcadets). Nah, dia bilang mumpung lagi niat jadi dia bikin itu tweet bersambung. Sama saya (dan beberapa teman yang lain) udah dirikues buat dibikin jadi blogpost apa notes FB tapi kayaknya belum akan muncul dalam waktu dekat nih. Jadi tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, saya akan mengkompilasi tweet yang bersangkutan. Tentunya dengan sedikit edit supaya cocok buat dibaca di paragraf.

baiklah untuk menghibur kita bahas budget kemaren di #RajaAmpat

sebenernya sih paling bener kalo kita udah research, tapi karena saya dan @roarcadets mau mecahin stigma kalo #RajaAmpat itu mahal. jadi kita kesana tanpa prepare apa2, "the plan is no plan", dan pergilah kita ke #RajaAmpat

ternyata cara pergi ke #RajaAmpat itu hanya bisa menyebrang pake ferry atau speedboat, atau perahu carteran dari resort. harganya? waktu kita pergi itu pake Ferry besar, harga perorangnya itu 100k, kalo naek ferry cepet itu harganya mulai dari 50k-150k. kalo naek ferry gede itu 3-4 jam perjalanan kalo pake Speed Boat itu 1,5-2 jam saja sampe ke #RajaAmpat. enaknya kalo pake Ferry besar, kita bisa sewa kamar ABK diatas buat istirahat, sebuah kamar kecil dengan tempat tidur bertingkat. harganya macem2, biasanya ditawarin 200k tanpa AC dan 250K pake AC, kita dapet 150K saja pake AC.

sampai di pelabuhan Waisai (ibukota #RajaAmpat) kita harus naek ojek atau truck biasanya bisa 20-50K. kita bayar 50K karena kita naek truck terus muter2 cari penginapan di Waisai *maklum ga tahu harus tidur dimana*. akhirnya nemu penginepan paling murah dengan 170K, ngga ada namanya, kamar 4x4+kasur+kipasangin. buat budget makan, tergantung, bisa mahal bisa murah, 1 ikan besar 60K, 1 potong ayam 20K, mau gratis? tinggal mancing :) #RajaAmpat

karena kita di Waisai, kalo mau diving harus ke pantai Waiwo dimana ada dive resort, naek ojek 50k 1 motor, bolak balik 200k. akhirnya nyewa motor 100K 1 hari, mahal? ya standarnya segitu disana. mau pake boat? dari Waisai ke Waiwo bisa. harganya 600k sekali jalan untuk 5 menit naek speed boat. Mahal? ya memang.

klo mau enak ga bolak balik silahkan menginap di #RajaAmpat dive resort, ini paling murah loh disana, mau tahu ratenya? 450k/malam/orang ini termasuk makan pagi siang malem, ini paling murah dibanding dive resort yang lain loh #RajaAmpat. itu tadi harga domestik, di resort lain ngga ada harga domestik, semua itungannya harus euro, ini websitenya

apalagi ya? oh iya harga diving disana itu 1x dive 350k termasuk tabung+boat+guide, ga masuk alat2+wetsuit. bukan diver? mau jalan2 keliling pulau2? bisa, silahkan sewa boat seharga 1,5jt 1 hari belum termasuk BBM #RajaAmpat iiihhh mahal ya XP. kalo mau murah solusinya sih emang tinggal di Waisai terus bolak-balik ke Waiwo sewa motor :)

mau kamar twin bed+airpanas+AC+TV 350k saja untuk 2 orang termasuk sarapan di kota Waisai. namanya itu hotel Maras Risen kalo ngga salah di Waisai, kita pindah kesitu karena yg 170k ada bedbugnya. kemaren saya ditawarin paket sama Lembah Pelangi, paketnya dia masuk akal loh harganya :), amat sangat masuk akal untuk ke #RajaAmpat. untuk saat ini emang segitu harganya, itu kenapa emang aga mahal sih, doakan saja proyek2 orang sana bikin homestay jalan ya :D #RajaAmpat

ok, kalo ditanya akomodasi tiket saya ke Sorong, kan ceritanya gratis, jadi saya (pura2) ngga tahu :p hehehee, untuk tiket itu biasanya antara 3,5 sampe 3,7 jt (kalo dapet yang murah) PP itu Jakarta-Sorong. kalo ditanya saya abis berapa disana, saya cuman bisa bilang "GOD love dumb people" iya ga @roarcadets ? :D

Baiklah! Dengan berdasarkan informasi di atas. Saya akan coba membuat suatu budget plan buat ke Raja Ampat versi paling murahnya untuk trip 7 hari di sana. Mohon jangan dianggep serius.
  • Tiket PP Jakarta-Sorong =  IDR 3.500.000
  • Naik ferry besar ke Waisai (Raja Ampat) = IDR 100.000
  • Nawar kamar ABK di ferry besar buat istirahat = IDR 150.000
  • Naik ojek ke penginapan (ceritanya udah tau jalan) = IDR 20.000
  • Nginep di Waisai (6 malem) @ IDR 170.000 = IDR 1.020.000
  • Tiap hari makan ayam 2 potong, sisanya mancing @ IDR 20.000 = IDR 240.000
  • Tiap hari ke pantai Waiwo nyewa motor @ IDR 100.000 = IDR 600.000
  • 3 hari diving, 3 hari lagi gak tau ngapain @ IDR 350.000 = IDR 1.050.000
  • Dari penginapan balik ke pelabuhan Waisai = IDR 20.000
  • Balik ke Sorong pake ferry, tapi gak sewa kamar ABK krn udah bokek = IDR 100.000


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The New Year’s Resolution: Start Running! (Motivation, Tips & Tricks!) | RunAddicts

The following is a list of great blog posts, spread over a number of running blogs, which will help, inform or motivate you as a new runner!

Tales & some tips from a formerly fat, “I’ll never run” chick

A year ago at this time, I would’ve thought that there was a better chance of going to the moon or making out with Ben Affleck (maybe making out with Ben Affleck on the moon) before I would ever, ever take up running.
2 half marathons, a running blog and a lost 30 pounds later, here I am training to run my first full marathon in June.

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7 tips for aspiring crazy runners

So you want to be a crazy runner? Maybe you already are – you just don’t know it yet!  Here are seven tips for navigating the road to running insanity.  Er – bliss.

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Less is More

It is easier to keep one New Year’s Resolution than many. Here is why you can have your cake and eat it too if you make your only New Year’s Resolution to take up running – by someone who lost 10kg / 22lbs thanks to running, while eating and drinking whatever he likes.

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New Year Equals New Runners

Meggie talks about how it takes knowledge and tenacity to become a runner. She is offering a few tips which will help you on your way!

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The RUNNER WITHIN is inside you. Always has been. And he/she wants to come out to play… But how to UNLEASH that runner in a smart and realistic way that won’t leave you hating it?

Below are 9 NEW RUNNER RULES to get you ready hit the road! (And coming back for more…)

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Is Running One of Your New Year’s Resolutions?
Here’s a 5-Point Plan for Success

Don’t get sucked into making a fitness resolution this year without a plan to achieve it. Use this simple 5-Point plan of attack to start running, stick to your goals, and achieve success.

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5 Beautifying Treadmill Tips

Starting to run during the cold & dark winter months can be defeating, especially if it’s done on a treadmill. Blistertoe gives 5 tips to outsmart Ol’ Jack Frost & beat the monotony of treadmill running.

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The guide to becoming a marathon runner

What to eat, a training plan, and great tips beginners may not know. Plus, the post is full of encouraging words!

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New to Running in 2011?

Hi this is Ashley from Getting Stronger, burning fat. Here are 10 tips to begin running in 2011. You can accomplish any goals you have by following these guidelines to ensure safe, fun running! This article covers proper stretching, shoes, run/walk method etc Good  luck!

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Unleash the Runner Within

No matter who you are, this article will give you some tips on how you can unleash your inner runner.

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So You Want To Run, eh?

How to start running, what time of day to run, where, gear, motivation.

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Let's run!

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