Sunday, February 17, 2008

java jazz on the move: binus university.

BINUS UNIVERSITY is going to present Java Jazz o­n The Move o­n:

Day / Date : Saturday, February 23rd, 2008

Time : 5.30 – 8 PM

Venue : Food court, Anggrek Kampus, BINUS UNIVERSITY

Artists : Pasto, RAN

Java Jazz o­n The Move is a series of pre-events of Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2008 that are held in the malls, universities and café/restaurants starting 1 – 2 weeks prior to until the evening of the festival, featuring local and international artists. During this series of JJOTM it will present visitors/guests/students of the venues with performances of artist/bands that will also perform during the Festival. The purpose is to bring the hype of the festival to these places whilst creating to the road the Festival. The pre-events are performances done by Festival performing artists.

It seems that the public needs to take note the presence of JJOTM in numerous venues as JJOTM is the mediator in spreading the jazz outbreak which may lead to the infliction of Java Jazz fever. The public better be present at the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2008 as it is the prescribed therapy for the Java Jazz fever. This will help the people survive the effect of the jazz outbreak until the next Java Jazz fever treatment period.

Take note!! Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2008 will take place o­n 7, 8 and 9 March 2008 at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Come and join us!!

Don’t miss it!!

Yang kaya gini nih yang gw tunggu2. Nonton gratisss! Udah JJFnya ntar gw menang tiket gratis, JJOTMnya nongol pula di kampus. Bakalan malem mingguan di kampus nih kayanya.. :D Anyway, here's the source.

Now playing: OneRepublic - Say (All I Need)
via FoxyTunes

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