Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remarks by the President at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia | The White House

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

Remarks by the President at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia

University of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

9:30 A.M. WIT

THE PRESIDENT:  Terima kasihTerima kasih, thank you so much, thank you, everybody.  Selamat pagi.  (Applause.)  It is wonderful to be here at the University of Indonesia.  To the faculty and the staff and the students, and to Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, thank you so much for your hospitality.  (Applause.)

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.  Thank you for this wonderful welcome.  Thank you to the people of Jakarta and thank you to the people of Indonesia.

Pulang kampung nih.  (Applause.)  I am so glad that I made it back to Indonesia and that Michelle was able to join me.  We had a couple of false starts this year, but I was determined to visit a country that’s meant so much to me.  And unfortunately, this visit is too short, but I look forward to coming back a year from now when Indonesia hosts the East Asia Summit.  (Applause.) 

Before I go any further, I want to say that our thoughts and prayers are with all of those Indonesians who are affected by the recent tsunami and the volcanic eruptions -- particularly those who’ve lost loved ones, and those who’ve been displaced.  And I want you all to know that as always, the United States stands with Indonesia in responding to natural disasters, and we are pleased to be able to help as needed.  As neighbors help neighbors and families take in the displaced, I know that the strength and the resilience of the Indonesian people will pull you through once more. 

Let me begin with a simple statement:  Indonesia bagian dari didi saya.  (Applause.)  I first came to this country when my mother married an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro.  And as a young boy I was -- as a young boy I was coming to a different world.  But the people of Indonesia quickly made me feel at home.
Jakarta -- now, Jakarta looked very different in those days.  The city was filled with buildings that were no more than a few stories tall.  This was back in 1967, ‘68 -- most of you weren’t born yet.  (Laughter.)  The Hotel Indonesia was one of the few high rises, and there was just one big department store called Sarinah.  That was it.  (Applause.)  Betchaks and bemos, that’s how you got around.  They outnumbered automobiles in those days.  And you didn’t have all the big highways that you have today.  Most of them gave way to unpaved roads and the kampongs.
So we moved to Menteng Dalam, where -- (applause) -- hey, some folks from Menteng Dalam right here.  (Applause.)  And we lived in a small house.  We had a mango tree out front.  And I learned to love Indonesia while flying kites and running along the paddy fields and catching dragonflies, buying satay and baso from the street vendors.  (Applause.)  I still remember the call of the vendors.  Satay!  (Laughter.)  I remember that.  Baso!  (Laughter.)  But most of all, I remember the people -- the old men and women who welcomed us with smiles; the children who made a foreign child feel like a neighbor and a friend; and the teachers who helped me learn about this country.
Because Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands, and hundreds of languages, and people from scores of regions and ethnic groups, my time here helped me appreciate the common humanity of all people.  And while my stepfather, like most Indonesians, was raised a Muslim, he firmly believed that all religions were worthy of respect.  And in this way -- (applause) -- in this way he reflected the spirit of religious tolerance that is enshrined in Indonesia’s Constitution, and that remains one of this country’s defining and inspiring characteristics.  (Applause.)
Now, I stayed here for four years -- a time that helped shape my childhood; a time that saw the birth of my wonderful sister, Maya; a time that made such an impression on my mother that she kept returning to Indonesia over the next 20 years to live and to work and to travel -- and to pursue her passion of promoting opportunity in Indonesia’s villages, especially opportunity for women and for girls.  And I was so honored -- (applause) -- I was so honored when President Yudhoyono last night at the state dinner presented an award on behalf of my mother, recognizing the work that she did.  And she would have been so proud, because my mother held Indonesia and its people very close to her heart for her entire life.  (Applause.)

So much has changed in the four decades since I boarded a plane to move back to Hawaii.  If you asked me -- or any of my schoolmates who knew me back then -- I don’t think any of us could have anticipated that one day I would come back to Jakarta as the President of the United States.  (Applause.)  And few could have anticipated the remarkable story of Indonesia over these last four decades.
The Jakarta that I once knew has grown into a teeming city of nearly 10 million, with skyscrapers that dwarf the Hotel Indonesia, and thriving centers of culture and of commerce.  While my Indonesian friends and I used to run in fields with water buffalo and goats -- (laughter) -- a new generation of Indonesians is among the most wired in the world -- connected through cell phones and social networks. And while Indonesia as a young nation focused inward, a growing Indonesia now plays a key role in the Asia Pacific and in the global economy.  (Applause.) 
Now, this change also extends to politics.  When my stepfather was a boy, he watched his own father and older brother leave home to fight and die in the struggle for Indonesian independence.  And I’m happy to be here on Heroes Day to honor the memory of so many Indonesians who have sacrificed on behalf of this great country.  (Applause.)  
When I moved to Jakarta, it was 1967, and it was a time that had followed great suffering and conflict in parts of this country.  And even though my stepfather had served in the Army, the violence and killing during that time of political upheaval was largely unknown to me because it was unspoken by my Indonesian family and friends.  In my household, like so many others across Indonesia, the memories of that time were an invisible presence.  Indonesians had their independence, but oftentimes they were afraid to speak their minds about issues.
In the years since then, Indonesia has charted its own course through an extraordinary democratic transformation -- from the rule of an iron fist to the rule of the people.  In recent years, the world has watched with hope and admiration as Indonesians embraced the peaceful transfer of power and the direct election of leaders.  And just as your democracy is symbolized by your elected President and legislature, your democracy is sustained and fortified by its checks and balances:  a dynamic civil society; political parties and unions; a vibrant media and engaged citizens who have ensured that -- in Indonesia -- there will be no turning back from democracy.
But even as this land of my youth has changed in so many ways, those things that I learned to love about Indonesia -- that spirit of tolerance that is written into your Constitution; symbolized in mosques and churches and temples standing alongside each other; that spirit that’s embodied in your people -- that still lives on.  (Applause.)  Bhinneka Tunggal Ika -- unity in diversity.  (Applause.)  This is the foundation of Indonesia’s example to the world, and this is why Indonesia will play such an important part in the 21st century.
So today, I return to Indonesia as a friend, but also as a President who seeks a deep and enduring partnership between our two countries.  (Applause.)  Because as vast and diverse countries; as neighbors on either side of the Pacific; and above all as democracies -- the United States and Indonesia are bound together by shared interests and shared values.
Yesterday, President Yudhoyono and I announced a new Comprehensive Partnership between the United States and Indonesia.  We are increasing ties between our governments in many different areas, and -- just as importantly -- we are increasing ties among our people.  This is a partnership of equals, grounded in mutual interests and mutual respect.
So with the rest of my time today, I’d like to talk about why the story I just told -- the story of Indonesia since the days when I lived here -- is so important to the United States and to the world.  I will focus on three areas that are closely related, and fundamental to human progress -- development, democracy and religious faith.
First, the friendship between the United States and Indonesia can advance our mutual interest in development.
When I moved to Indonesia, it would have been hard to imagine a future in which the prosperity of families in Chicago and Jakarta would be connected.  But our economies are now global, and Indonesians have experienced both the promise and the perils of globalization:  from the shock of the Asian financial crisis in the ‘90s, to the millions lifted out of poverty because of increased trade and commerce.  What that means -- and what we learned in the recent economic crisis -- is that we have a stake in each other’s success.
America has a stake in Indonesia growing and developing, with prosperity that is broadly shared among the Indonesian people -- because a rising middle class here in Indonesia means new markets for our goods, just as America is a market for goods coming from Indonesia.  So we are investing more in Indonesia, and our exports have grown by nearly 50 percent, and we are opening doors for Americans and Indonesians to do business with one another.  

America has a stake in an Indonesia that plays its rightful role in shaping the global economy.  Gone are the days when seven or eight countries would come together to determine the direction of global markets.  That’s why the G20 is now the center of international economic cooperation, so that emerging economies like Indonesia have a greater voice and also bear greater responsibility for guiding the global economy.  And through its leadership of the G20’s anti-corruption group, Indonesia should lead on the world stage and by example in embracing transparency and accountability.  (Applause.)
America has a stake in an Indonesia that pursues sustainable development, because the way we grow will determine the quality of our lives and the health of our planet.  And that’s why we’re developing clean energy technologies that can power industry and preserve Indonesia’s precious natural resources -- and America welcomes your country’s strong leadership in the global effort to combat climate change.  
Above all, America has a stake in the success of the Indonesian people.  Underneath the headlines of the day, we must build bridges between our people, because our future security and prosperity is shared.  And that is exactly what we’re doing -- by increasing collaboration among our scientists and researchers, and by working together to foster entrepreneurship.  And I’m especially pleased that we have committed to double the number of American and Indonesian students studying in our respective countries.  (Applause.)  We want more Indonesian students in American schools, and we want more American students to come study in this country.  (Applause.)  We want to forge new ties and greater understanding between young people in this young century.
These are the issues that really matter in our daily lives.  Development, after all, is not simply about growth rates and numbers on a balance sheet.  It’s about whether a child can learn the skills they need to make it in a changing world.  It’s about whether a good idea is allowed to grow into a business, and not suffocated by corruption.  It’s about whether those forces that have transformed the Jakarta I once knew -- technology and trade and the flow of people and goods -- can translate into a better life for all Indonesians, for all human beings, a life marked by dignity and opportunity.
Now, this kind of development is inseparable from the role of democracy.
Today, we sometimes hear that democracy stands in the way of economic progress.  This is not a new argument.  Particularly in times of change and economic uncertainty, some will say that it is easier to take a shortcut to development by trading away the right of human beings for the power of the state.  But that’s not what I saw on my trip to India, and that is not what I see here in Indonesia.  Your achievements demonstrate that democracy and development reinforce one another. 
Like any democracy, you have known setbacks along the way.  America is no different.  Our own Constitution spoke of the effort to forge a “more perfect union,” and that is a journey that we’ve traveled ever since.  We’ve endured civil war and we struggled to extend equal rights to all of our citizens.  But it is precisely this effort that has allowed us to become stronger and more prosperous, while also becoming a more just and a more free society.
Like other countries that emerged from colonial rule in the last century, Indonesia struggled and sacrificed for the right to determine your destiny.  That is what Heroes Day is all about -- an Indonesia that belongs to Indonesians.  But you also ultimately decided that freedom cannot mean replacing the strong hand of a colonizer with a strongman of your own.
Of course, democracy is messy.  Not everyone likes the results of every election.  You go through your ups and downs.  But the journey is worthwhile, and it goes beyond casting a ballot.  It takes strong institutions to check the power -- the concentration of power.  It takes open markets to allow individuals to thrive.  It takes a free press and an independent justice system to root out abuses and excess, and to insist on accountability.  It takes open society and active citizens to reject inequality and injustice.
These are the forces that will propel Indonesia forward.  And it will require a refusal to tolerate the corruption that stands in the way of opportunity; a commitment to transparency that gives every Indonesian a stake in their government; and a belief that the freedom of Indonesians -- that Indonesians have fought for is what holds this great nation together.
That is the message of the Indonesians who have advanced this democratic story -- from those who fought in the Battle of Surabaya 55 years ago today; to the students who marched peacefully for democracy in the 1990s; to leaders who have embraced the peaceful transition of power in this young century.  Because ultimately, it will be the rights of citizens that will stitch together this remarkable Nusantara that stretches from Sabang to Merauke, an insistence -- (applause) -- an insistence that every child born in this country should be treated equally, whether they come from Java or Aceh; from Bali or Papua.  (Applause.)  That all Indonesians have equal rights.
That effort extends to the example that Indonesia is now setting abroad.  Indonesia took the initiative to establish the Bali Democracy Forum, an open forum for countries to share their experiences and best practices in fostering democracy.  Indonesia has also been at the forefront of pushing for more attention to human rights within ASEAN.  The nations of Southeast Asia must have the right to determine their own destiny, and the United States will strongly support that right.  But the people of Southeast Asia must have the right to determine their own destiny as well.  And that’s why we condemned elections in Burma recently that were neither free nor fair.  That is why we are supporting your vibrant civil society in working with counterparts across this region.  Because there’s no reason why respect for human rights should stop at the border of any country.
Hand in hand, that is what development and democracy are about -- the notion that certain values are universal.  Prosperity without freedom is just another form of poverty.  Because there are aspirations that human beings share -- the liberty of knowing that your leader is accountable to you, and that you won’t be locked up for disagreeing with them; the opportunity to get an education and to be able to work with dignity; the freedom to practice your faith without fear or restriction.  Those are universal values that must be observed everywhere. 

Now, religion is the final topic that I want to address today, and -- like democracy and development -- it is fundamental to the Indonesian story.
Like the other Asian nations that I’m visiting on this trip, Indonesia is steeped in spirituality -- a place where people worship God in many different ways.  Along with this rich diversity, it is also home to the world’s largest Muslim population -- a truth I came to know as a boy when I heard the call to prayer across Jakarta. 
Just as individuals are not defined solely by their faith, Indonesia is defined by more than its Muslim population.  But we also know that relations between the United States and Muslim communities have frayed over many years.  As President, I have made it a priority to begin to repair these relations.  (Applause.)  As part of that effort, I went to Cairo last June, and I called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world -- one that creates a path for us to move beyond our differences.
I said then, and I will repeat now, that no single speech can eradicate years of mistrust.  But I believed then, and I believe today, that we do have a choice.  We can choose to be defined by our differences, and give in to a future of suspicion and mistrust.  Or we can choose to do the hard work of forging common ground, and commit ourselves to the steady pursuit of progress.  And I can promise you -- no matter what setbacks may come, the United States is committed to human progress.  That is who we are.  That is what we’ve done.  And that is what we will do.  (Applause.)
Now, we know well the issues that have caused tensions for many years -- and these are issues that I addressed in Cairo.  In the 17 months that have passed since that speech, we have made some progress, but we have much more work to do.
Innocent civilians in America, in Indonesia and across the world are still targeted by violent extremism.  I made clear that America is not, and never will be, at war with Islam.  Instead, all of us must work together to defeat al Qaeda and its affiliates, who have no claim to be leaders of any religion –-- certainly not a great, world religion like Islam.  But those who want to build must not cede ground to terrorists who seek to destroy.  And this is not a task for America alone.  Indeed, here in Indonesia, you’ve made progress in rooting out extremists and combating such violence.
In Afghanistan, we continue to work with a coalition of nations to build the capacity of the Afghan government to secure its future.  Our shared interest is in building peace in a war-torn land -- a peace that provides no safe haven for violent extremists, and that provide hope for the Afghan people. 
Meanwhile, we’ve made progress on one of our core commitments -- our effort to end the war in Iraq.  Nearly 100,000 American troops have now left Iraq under my presidency.  (Applause.)  Iraqis have taken full responsibility for their security.  And we will continue to support Iraq as it forms an inclusive government, and we will bring all of our troops home.
In the Middle East, we have faced false starts and setbacks, but we’ve been persistent in our pursuit of peace.  Israelis and Palestinians restarted direct talks, but enormous obstacles remain.  There should be no illusion that peace and security will come easy.  But let there be no doubt:  America will spare no effort in working for the outcome that is just, and that is in the interests of all the parties involved -- two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.  That is our goal.  (Applause.)
The stakes are high in resolving all of these issues.  For our world has grown smaller, and while those forces that connect us have unleashed opportunity and great wealth, they also empower those who seek to derail progress.  One bomb in a marketplace can obliterate the bustle of daily commerce.  One whispered rumor can obscure the truth and set off violence between communities that once lived together in peace.  In an age of rapid change and colliding cultures, what we share as human beings can sometimes be lost.
But I believe that the history of both America and Indonesia should give us hope.  It is a story written into our national mottos.  In the United States, our motto is E pluribus unum -- out of many, one.  Bhinneka Tunggal Ika -- unity in diversity.  (Applause.)  We are two nations, which have traveled different paths.  Yet our nations show that hundreds of millions who hold different beliefs can be united in freedom under one flag.  And we are now building on that shared humanity -- through young people who will study in each other’s schools; through the entrepreneurs forging ties that can lead to greater prosperity; and through our embrace of fundamental democratic values and human aspirations.
Before I came here, I visited Istiqlal mosque -- a place of worship that was still under construction when I lived in Jakarta.  And I admired its soaring minaret and its imposing dome and welcoming space.  But its name and history also speak to what makes Indonesia great.  Istiqlal means independence, and its construction was in part a testament to the nation’s struggle for freedom.  Moreover, this house of worship for many thousands of Muslims was designed by a Christian architect.  (Applause.)
Such is Indonesia’s spirit.  Such is the message of Indonesia’s inclusive philosophy, Pancasila.  (Applause.)  Across an archipelago that contains some of God’s most beautiful creations, islands rising above an ocean named for peace, people choose to worship God as they please.  Islam flourishes, but so do other faiths.  Development is strengthened by an emerging democracy.  Ancient traditions endure, even as a rising power is on the move.
That is not to say that Indonesia is without imperfections.  No country is.  But here we can find the ability to bridge divides of race and region and religion -- by the ability to see yourself in other people.  As a child of a different race who came here from a distant country, I found this spirit in the greeting that I received upon moving here:  Selamat Datang.  As a Christian visiting a mosque on this visit, I found it in the words of a leader who was asked about my visit and said, “Muslims are also allowed in churches.  We are all God’s followers.”
That spark of the divine lives within each of us.  We cannot give in to doubt or cynicism or despair.  The stories of Indonesia and America should make us optimistic, because it tells us that history is on the side of human progress; that unity is more powerful than division; and that the people of this world can live together in peace.  May our two nations, working together, with faith and determination, share these truths with all mankind.

Sebagai penutup, saya mengucapkan kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesiaterima kasih atasTerima kasihAssalamualaikum.  Thank you.

10:31 A.M. WIT

Truly inspiring speech! Glad that I got the chance to attend the speech at University of Indonesia.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How to Develop Sprinting Speed as a Distance Runner | RunAddicts

Many distance runners do not do any speed work that forces them to run at maximum effort or close to maximum. They go through their runs every day running the same pace or they may throw in a tempo run or an interval workout where they run 5k pace or a little faster.

Those workouts are great and will help you become a better runner. But why are distance runners typically afraid of other types of workouts or endurance activities, like triathlon training or sprinting?  Both can benefit your running dramatically. Without sprinting, your training is incomplete.

Sprinting offers distance runners many key benefits that they can use to race faster in longer races like 5k’s and even marathons. But that’s not all.

What are the benefits of sprinting for a distance runner?


Sprinting forces your body to run more efficiently. By practicing to run at your maximum speed, your mile, 5k, or half-marathon race pace will seem much slower because your body has adapted. Sprinting creates neuromuscular efficiency that teaches your muscles how to move correctly.

Injury Prevention

Sprinting also recruits all of your muscle fibers, rather than just some of them like when you’re running slower. By recruiting all of your muscle fibers in an intense, 100% effort sprint you’re making your leg muscles work harder and get stronger. This strength will help protect you from injury.

Increased Metabolism

Running at your maximum effort jacks up your heart rate, recruits all of your leg’s muscle fibers, and requires more coordination. If you’re frustrated because you can’t lose those last few stubborn pounds, it might be because your training is lacking intensity. Include some sprints into your training and you’ll burn more calories during the workout and increase your metabolism for hours afterward.

Incorporating Sprint Workouts into Your Training

I have three favorite “mini-workouts” that I like to do almost every week that help me make sprinting a priority. Even though my own personal goals are road races from 5k – half-marathon right now, sprinting at max effort is an important part of my training. Let’s look at the workouts:

Post-Run Strides

These are simple and are done after a normal distance run. Preferably on a track, artificial turf field, or grass (but you can do them anywhere), the entire stride is about 100 meters. Start running at a normal pace and accelerate into a full sprint right before the halfway point. Hold your sprint for about 20 meters, then slow down to a walk. Take about a minute of walking recovery (these should not be hard) and start your next one. I like to do 4-6 strides.

Bonus: Do your strides barefoot.

Mid-Run Surges

These are also simple and are done during the last 10-15 minutes of your run. They can last anywhere from 15 – 30 seconds depending on your fitness level and how hard you want to make them. Essentially a very short and fast fartlek, mid-run surges are like strides except harder. After your first surge, you continue running at your normal distance run pace for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then start your next one.

I like to do 4-6 surges during the last mile or two of my distance runs. Right now I’m doing 5×20″at my max speed with about a minute of slow running in between each one.

Bonus: On a hilly route, make sure your surges are uphill.

Hill Sprints

Hill sprints are the fastest (and most fun!) of all these sprint workouts. Find the steepest hill you can and start with 1 or 2 sprints of 8 seconds long. These are done at 100%, maximum effort – be like Usain Bolt!

After 4-5 days, you’re ready to start your next session. Add 1-2 repetitions until you reach 8-10 hill sprints, then you can start increasing their length from 8 seconds to 10 or 12. Take a full 1-2 minutes of walking recovery between each one and always err on the side of too much rest. Right now I’m up to 5 x 10 second hill sprints.

By implementing some short sprint workouts into your otherwise monotonous distance runs, you’ll increase your running economy and ultimately become a faster runner. Hill sprints are also a very powerful tool for injury prevention, as they recruit all of your leg muscles and are like running-specific weight lifting.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sedikit Cerita Dari Gelaran Pertama TEDxBandung

2 minggu lalu, saya menghadiri gelaran pertama TEDxBandung yang diadakan di ITB. Lelah fisik setelah pagi-paginya berlatih bersama Parkour Bandung ternyata nggak bikin semangat buat terinspirasi memudar. Waktu itu (rasanya) saya jadi peserta pertama yang tiba di area registrasi yang sekaligus jadi area break. Dekorasi-dekorasi dibuat dengan sangat baik oleh tim TEDxBandung.

Informasi seputar speaker untuk event pertama TEDxBandung juga terpasang dengan baik di area registrasi. Acara sendiri baru mulai sekitar 15-20 menit dari jadwal yang diumumkan (CMIIW). Seperti yang biasa dilakukan di event TEDx lainnya, TEDxBandung juga memiliki sesi live speaker dan nonton bareng video-video TED. Untuk video sih rasanya kita bisa tonton sendiri ya, nah ini dia lineup speakernya:

  • Ruz Qamaruzzaman: Experiences of Developing Renewable Energy System in Indonesia. Pak Ruz ini membahas tentang segala kemungkinan penggunaan sistem energi renewable yang ada di Indonesia. Yang paling saya inget itu tentang pembangkit listrik dari pusaran air (mungkin karena waktu itu ada videonya), nggak butuh tempat yang gede, gak butuh beda ketinggian yang terlalu besar. Mungkin cara ini bisa jadi alternatif untuk daerah-daerah yang belum dijangkau listrik tapi punya aliran sungai untuk mengaplikasikan sistem ini.
  • RW 07 Cipamokolan: Mimpi Zero Waste. Bapak-bapak ini berhasil menggalakkan program zero waste di tingkat RW! Masing-masing rumah yang ada di RW mereka sudah memiliki penampung yang berbeda untuk tiap jenis sampah. Berbagai ide kreatif mulai dari membuat kerajinan dari sampah hingga membuat home-made kompos dijelaskan dalam presentasi mereka.
  • Mira Kusumarini: Social Entrepreneurship, A New Movement. Mbak Mira membuka presentasinya dengan memperkenalkan Ashoka, topik yang diangkat adalah seputar Social Entrepreneurship. Definisinya juga nggak terlalu sulit: entrepreneur di bidang sosial. Beberapa contoh social entrepreneur juga ditampilkan pada presentasinya. Salah satu quote Bill Drayton di presentasinya Mbak Mira berbunyi: "Social enrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish, or teach how to fish. The will not rest until they have revoltionized the fishing indusry."
  • Tita Larasati: Shaping Our Future with Bamboo. Mbak Tita adalah seorang lulusan Desain Produk ITB (CMIIW) dan di presentasinya, dia menjelaskan tentang bisnis bambu yang selama ini terlalu parah gapnya. Bambu yang dibuat secara tradisional biasanya hanya akan menembus pasar kelas bawah, berkebalikan dengan bambu yang dilolah secara mutakhir malah bisa dijual dengan harga yang luar biasa mahalnya. Mbak Tita menyampaikan beberapa ide tentang produk-produk bambu lainnya yang dapat dibuat untuk digunakan pada pasar kelas menengah.

Setelah 2 speaker selesai presentasi, peserta diberikan kesempatan break sekitar setengah jam, break session ini digunakan oleh para peserta untuk mingle dengan sesama peserta ataupun dengan speaker dan panitia. Acara sendiri berakhir sekitar pukul 6 sore. Setelah menyabet nasi kotak Bumbu Desa, saya langsung segera meninggalkan lokasi acara karena harus segera meluncur pulang ke Jakarta dengan bis dari Terminal Leuwipanjang.

Kudos buat seluruh tim TEDxBandung! Ditunggu 2nd TEDxBandung-nya!

The physical and mental benefits of running | RunAddicts

With all the different forms of exercise out there, why run? For me, it was a simple choice of economics, as I could save money by replacing my gym membership with a treadmill and a pair of moderately priced running shoes. Others who run, do so for different reasons.

While running is easy to learn and fairly inexpensive, it also benefits the runner’s mental outlook. Basically, what is good for the body is good for the mind, and psychologically speaking, running has a lot to offer!

You have to wonder at times what you’re doing out there. Over the years, I’ve given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement. – Steve Prefontaine

Mental benefits

Running reduces stress by boosting levels of serotonin in your brain and creating a more positive mood.

Self esteem is improved and goals are achieved through running. Runners realize a greater sense of self-reliance and accomplishment. In other words, running provides an individual with an all natural, drug free, power-packed ego boost!

Running fights depression with the brain’s release of beta endorphins. These are neurotransmitters made in the pituitary gland that can reduce pain, boost the immune system, and bring a greater sense of well being. These “miracle” compounds have eighty times as much pain-easing effect as morphine.

Runners can enjoy a sense of freedom, by forgetting about troubles and feeling the wind in their hair. They can control their own destiny, as they alone make the decision to run as fast and as far as they want!

Running sharpens focus and improves mental stamina, by giving circulation a boost and increasing the flow of blood to the brain!

Social circles can be widened through running by joining a group or a club of fellow enthusiasts.

Lastly, running helps to improve appearance by getting the blood pumping which creates a healthy glow and by reducing the waistline. The bottom line is, when we look better, we feel better!

Physical benefits

In addition to the psychological benefits, running has so many physical benefits that it is hard to know where to begin.

As mentioned earlier, running helps to keep weight under control. With the exception of cross-country skiing, running burns more calories than any other physical activity!

Cardiovascular health is greatly improved through running by increasing your heart rate and working the heart muscles on a regular basis.

Running can increase HDL levels, which improves overall cholesterol in the body.

The immune system gets a boost through running with an increase in white blood cells. These are the fighter cells in the body, which can combat the early stages of diseases like diabetes and cancer.

Running also improves bone health. Weight bearing exercises increase bone density and prevent injury and the onset of osteoporosis.

And finally, running improves lung capacity and promotes better breathing which enhances general overall health.

The most logical conclusion

Whether you choose to run for health purposes, to make friends or just because it makes you feel good, the fact is that running is a good thing! With the many mental and physical benefits of running, the question should really be why NOT run?

So, what are you waiting for? Let's run! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gila In The Right Place At The Right Time

Masing2 orang biasa punya cara yang beda2 buat ekspresi diri dan caranya biar enjoy ngekspresiinnya juga pastinya beda2. Nah, lemparan topik absurd di posting ini mungkin lebih ke tema "Gila-lah Pada Tempatnya". Kenapa? Karena menurut gw gila2an di tempat yang tepat dan di momen yang tepat selain berguna bagi diri sendiri juga bisa berguna buat khalayak umum. Tentunya di posting ini akan dihiasi berbagai aksi2 gw yang mungkin belum pernah Anda liat sebelumnya. Yah, anggaplah saya khilaf.

Masih inget sama quote dari Joker di film Batman yang bilang: "Why so serious?". Ya mungkin video2 di bawah ini bisa mewakilinya.


Jauh sebelum boomingnya Sinta Jojo, salah satu video yang menurut timeline Twitter adalah konspirasi dan ajang propaganda Uni Soviet. LOL! Ya, itulah dia video Trololo yang dinyanyiin langsung sama Eduard Khil. Waktu nonton itu, di kursi kamar gw lagi ada jas nganggur. Tiba2 terbesit buat bikin video lipsync Trololo. Iseng2 aja for fun, upload di Youtube, dan ternyata malah ikutan masuk Eduard Khil WORLD TOUR The world sings trololo (A Compilation). Dan lumayan juga ternyata viewnya dapet 2500an. Ha!

Nah, kalo video di atas ini dibuat di tengah2 pusingnya ngurusin hard cover skripsi di ruang Research And Development Computer Engineering Binus. Jadi waktu itu lagi asik2 ngubek Ubuntu, eh, ternyata ada program yang namanya (kalo gak salah) CheeseCam. Kalo gak salah juga SinJo baru booming pas minggu2 itu. Alhasil berbekal lagu dari radio yang channel India, beraksilah gw bersama seorang teman dan seorang senior di kampus. Biar matching sama yang lagi ngetrend, videonya kita kasih judul: "Ini bukan video respon Keong Racun". Eh, tapi ternyata viewnya nembus 1000an juga. Ha! (lagi)


Nahhh, yang video ketiga ini diambil baru aja pas Pesta Blogger+ 2010 kemaren ini. Tepatnya di dalem booth Acer bersama @alderina dan @chikastuff. Gw sendiri agak kurang ngerti kenapa gw bisa sampe ikutan di dalem sini. Mungkin karena iming2 hadiahnya kali yah. Tahukah Anda, pernah ada kejadian seorang ibu baru pulang belanja yang ngeliat anaknya main2 di ujung jendela di lantai 2, ibu itu langsung lempar barang belanjaanya terus manjat tembok buat nyelamatin anak itu. Nah, apa kesimpulannya? Gampang aja, menurut gw, inner crazy itu bisa keluar asal ada iming2nya. LOL! Dengan kegilaan yang maksimal dan optimal kemarin, sebenernya kita berharap bisa bawa pulang notebook Acer. Kali aja kalo menang nanti bisa dibikin mentah dan dibagi 3 gitu maksudnya. Tapi ya nasib sedang berkata lain, mungkin kayak kata Chika & Popon. Rejekinya ditahan dulu, kali aja ntar diajakin ikut video klipnya Saykoji. Hahahahaha!