Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lenovo #DoNetworkID Program. Buat kamu yang punya cita-cita jadi penemu yang bisa ngubah dunia.

Hidup di jaman teknologi yang udah maju itu bener2 enak ya. Nggak usah cari contoh aneh2, ambil aja dari #TaiwanTrip gw pertengahan Desember 2011 kemaren. Kalo nggak ada namanya sistem online booking kereta, mungkin gw udah keliyengan di Taipei Main Station. Dan yang paling berasa, kalo gw gak pake translation app di handphone, pasti gw bakal waste banyak banget waktu buat ngomong pake bahasa tarzan sama orang2 di sana yang mostly gak bisa ngomong Bahasa Inggris :)

Ada ribuan inovator keren yang udah bikin hidup kita sekarang jadi lebih gampang dan kalo harus dilist di satu postingan blog ini rasanya nggak akan muat. Dan nggak cuma luar negeri doang kok yang punya inovator2 keren, kita di Indonesia juga punya banyak. Mulai dari Pak BJ Habibie yang nemuin teori, faktor, dan metode Habibie di teknologi pesawat terbang, sampai ke (mimin) Andrew Darwis sama Kaskus-nya.

Mungkin ada di antara elo yang lagi baca blog post ini yang punya cita2 yang sama dengan orang-orang di atas: JADI PENEMU.

Impossible is nothing :) Selama kita yakin sama mau nyoba sih selalu bakal ada kesempatan. Mungkin elo bisa mulai coba sama langkah2 di bawah ini:

  1. Tekunin hobi, cari tau apa itu passion elo, seriusin
  2. Cari insight seputar masalah yang ada di environment sekeliling elo dan belom ada solusinya, bisa aja masalahnya simple banget tapi kita gak nyadar
  3. Mulai pikirin, cari tau lebih banyak seputar masalah tsb, mulai cari ide kreatif apa buat resolve
  4. Langsung action dan develop! Kalo kita nunggu agak lama biasanya lupa, mending langsung dijadiin inovasi baru. Daripada keduluan kan :)


Kebetulan sekarang lagi ada program Do Network dari Lenovo Indonesia nih. Cocok banget kayaknya buat elo yang punya cita2 buat bikin dunia jadi lebih enak buat ditinggalin :) Pengen ikutan? Langsung aja cek http://bit.ly/t5zUmm dan info tanggal2nya di bawah ini:

  • Pendaftaran: 8 Desember 2011 s/d 25 Januari 2012
  • Pemilihan peserta favorit: 5 s/d 25 Januari 2012
  • Finalis: 26 Januari s/d 29 Februari 2012
  • Pengumuman pemenang: 1 Maret 2012

Elo bakal bertanding dalam tim dan bakal ada 3 mentor paling handal di Indonesia, yaitu:

Kalo emang elo tertarik, langsung mulai aja dari ngumpulin anggota tim. Abis itu duduk bareng buat ngomongin ide sama project apa yang mau dibikin. Kalo udah, langsung aja gabung sama Lenovo #DoNetworkID Program yang bisa kamu baca lengkap infonya di http://bit.ly/t5zUmm

Eh iya, jangan lupa juga dukung program Do Network ini pake twibbon di Jangan lupa untuk dukung program Do Network ini dengan menggunakan twibbon di http://t.co/Yae7e1Dt.

Selamat berinovasi!

Monday, November 14, 2011

54 jam di Kuala Lumpur

Sehubungan flight murah ke Chennai yang baru ada tanggal 6 November pagi sementara flight murah ke KL adanya tanggal 3 November malem, gue dan @idznie akhirnya memutuskan untuk stay 2 malem dulu di ibukota negeri jiran ini. Kira-kira inilah gambaran apa aja yang kita bikin selama di sana. Enjoy!

3 November

 Keluar pesawat jam 23.40. Pastinya akan sangat rugi kalo musti book hostel dulu, jadi kita mutusin buat tidur di LCCT aja sampe pagi. Sebelom ngampar, kita sempet mampir makan dulu di gerai fastfood namanya Marrybrown, yang ternyata gak direkomendasiin sama temen-temen yang pernah ke sana karena nggak enak-enak amat.

4 November

Beranjak pagi, akhirnya kita mulai nyari bis tujuan ke buat ke hostel. Waktu itu kira-kira jam 5.30. Setelah nanya information center, akhirnya dipilihlah Aerobus tujuan KL Sentral buat nanti lanjut ke stasiun selanjutnya. Bis ini berangkat setengah jam sekali, kalo nyampe LCCT, langsung aja cari arrival hall buat domestic flight, terus lanjut lurus aja, dia kayak ada meeting point-nya gitu. Bagasi bis dibuka jadi kalo bawaan banyak bisa ditaro di situ, bayar tiketnya pas lagi mau naik aja, langsung ke orangnya.

Nyampe di KL Sentral, pagi itu lagi ujan gede. Untungnya bisa lanjut monorel buat ke Stasiun Mesjid Jamek tanpa basah-basahan lagi. Cuma beda 2 stasiun aja udah nyampe. Seperti biasa, self-service ticketing machine di sini gampang dan gak susah buat pendatang.

Setelah teduhan sekitar setengah jam di KL Sentral, akhirnya kita lanjut jalan by foot ke lokasi hostel. Cuma 10 menit udah langsung nyampe di BackHome Hostel, resepsionisnya udah nyimpen data kita, gak perlu nunjukin print out lagi, dan karena udah ada kasur yang kosong, jam 8 pagi itu udah langsung bisa masuk kamar.

Istirahat sebentar, berbekal sisa-sisa tenaga akhirnya mutusin buat menjelajah KL. Rutenya siang itu ke Merdeka Square, ke daerah Taman Tasik Perdana, Old Kuala Lumpur Station, akhirnya balik lagi ke Jalan Tun H S Lee.

Balik lagi ke hostel, numpang tidur sekitar 2 jam. Sempet ngobrol-ngobrol juga sama serombongan backpackers cewek dari Taiwan, dan tentunya udah dapet (Facebook) contactnya buat ngomongin itinerary trip gue ke Taiwan bulan Desember nanti. Sorenya kita lanjut lagi ke Petronas Twin Tower. Sempet agak khawatir soalnya pas keluar LRT station ternyata ujan rintik-rintik, tapi ternyata cuma bentar doang. Meskipun Skybridge lagi ditutup sampe Desember, tapi kemaren udah cukup puas sama foto-foto dari masih terang sampe udah gelap.

Ketemu juga sama Paulina, solo backpackers asal Chile yang desperate soalnya kameranya udah abis batere padahal dia mau foto-foto di KLCC situ. Akhirnya dia ikut bareng kita makan di Nasi Kandar Pelita, sampe lanjut ke SkyBar di Traders Tower buat dapet angle foto asoy Petronas Twin Tower. SkyBar ini dapet rekomendasinya dari Renaud, solo backpacker Prancis yang lagi keliling Asia Tenggara buat 7 bulan, dia bilang sih kita bisa masuk aja buat foto doang, tapi berbekal etika ketimuran, akhirnya kita pura-pura bilang mau liat-liat tempat soalnya Senin mau makan bareng di sana.

Pulang ke Bukit Nanas LRT Station, pisah sama Paulina, dan akhirnya melepas lelah di hari pertama di KL.

5 November

Hari ini targetnya nggak mau capek-capek amat. Bangun udah sekitar jam 10an, packing dikit buat checkout, dan akhirnya kita cabs ke Batu Caves. Kita pergi pake Metrobus, naiknya cuma beda 1 blok dari hostel tempat kita nginep. Nggak sampe satu jam udah nyampe.

Kesan pertama pas nyampe Batu Caves: India banget euy! Ini emang semacem Hindu temple dan kalo mau naik ke atas, ada 272 anak tangga buat naik ke atas, sisanya silakan liat di foto aja ya. Balik dari situ kita pake kereta, makan di KL Sentral, abis itu ngadem di hostel buat wifi-an. Meskipun udah checkout kita tetep boleh nongkrong di sana.


6 November

Sedikit breakfast roti di dalem LCCT Terminal. Then off I go to India!


Expense (semua udah diconvert ke Rupiah, ada beberapa pembulatan)

3-4 Nov, total IDR 318,000:

  • Marrybrown: 40k
  • Minuman ringan: 6k
  • Aerobus: 23k
  • LRT KL Sentral - Mesjid Jamek: 3.5k
  • BackHome Hostel (1N): 110k
  • DiGi sim card + data package (gue recommend pake Maxis aja jgn ini): 60k
  • Lunch nasi goreng + teh tarik: 25k 
  • LRT Mesjid Jamek - KLCC: 3.5k
  • Nasi Briyani Kambing + Teh Tarik: 36k
  • LRT Bukit Nanas - Dang Wangi: 3.5k
  • Minuman ringan: 5k
  • LRT Dang Wangi - Mesjid Jamek: 3k

5-6 Nov, total IDR 184,000:

  • Bis ke Batu Caves: 8.5k
  • Milo sekaleng: 7k
  • Kereta Batu Caves - KL Sentral: 6k
  • Lunch: 43k
  • LRT KL Sentral - Mesjid Jamek: 4k
  • KLIA Transit dari KL Sentral ke LCCT: 36k
  • LRT Mesjid Jamek - KL Sentral: 4k
  • Old Town White Coffee (Dinner): 46k
  • Breakfast at LCCT Terminal: 30k


Friday, October 14, 2011

Apply visa turis buat ke India ternyata nggak susah!


Jadi begini ceritanya, hari Rabu (12 Oktober) kemarin, gue, Idznie, sama Vasanthi akhirnya apply visa buat trip ke India bulan November nanti. Berbekal cari info sana sini dan bongkar Google, akhirnya ketemu blogpost super informatif ini. Makasih banyak buat yang udah nulis :)

Kita masuk ke ruang pengurusan paspor/visa satu-satu, pintu masuk Kedutaan India itu ada di samping, bukan dari pintu utama di Kuningan. FYI, untuk pengurusan visa/paspor ini mereka cuma buka jam 9 - 12 siang aja. Cukup ninggalin tas sama HP aja di pos penjaga, dokumen sama dompet mah bawa aja, abis itu dikasih kartu visitor, masuk ke
ruangan, ambil nomer antrian, udah deh nunggu nomernya nongol aja kayak di bank.

Kita bertiga sebenernya agak bingung soalnya flight sama hostel booking hampir semuanya jadi satu atas nama gue dan belom difotokopi buat dipegang masing-masing. Tapi ternyata pas giliran gue dipanggil (kebetulan gue yang pertama), gue cukup bilang kalo gue bakal travel in group, jadi si petugas counter langsung nyuruh Idznie sama Va ke counter juga.

Si petugasnya agak bingung pas kita bilang kalo berangkatnya cuma bertiga, mana mukanya masih muda-muda semua, dia sampe nanya: "Any older travelers in your group?" *LOL*, dan kemudian pembicaraan nggak berlanjut karena mungkin dia liat paspor kita yang alhamdulillah udah nggak kosong-kosong amat.

Selesai dari situ, bayar ke counter, dan dikasih tau kalo besoknya visa udah bisa diambil dari jam 16.00 - 16.30. Besoknya dateng, bawa struk pembayaran visa ke counter pembayaran, VOILA, dapet deh paspor yang udah ditempelin visa India. Dikasih yang valid sampe 13 Desember 2011, sisanya sesuai yang kita apply. Single entry, tourist, dll.

Jadi sebenernya poin-poin yang musti diperhatiin nggak banyak kok, gue coba repost ulang dan ngasih tambahan sedikit dari blogpost yang gue jadiin referensi ya:

  1. Passport dengan masa valid minimum 6 bulan. Yang ini cukup jelas lah ya, standar kok kalo mau apply visa.
  2. Dua lembar foto ukuran passpor (4x4), background putih. Yang ini foto visa standar juga, bisa pake bekas apply visa mana, terus kita cetak lagi (kalo gue sih gitu)
  3. Tourist visa application form yang sudah diisi. Tinggal print terus isi aja langsung pake pulpen.
  4. Tiket pesawat atau confirmed booking PP. Jelas lah ya.
  5. Confirmation of hotel booking di tempat-tempat yang akan dikunjungi di India. Buat yang rencananya mau go-show apa nyari hostelnya baru pas nyampe India nggak masalah kok, gue aja cuma attach konfirmasi booking buat 1 malem doang pas di Chennai. Padahal total ada 17 hari di sana. Cari aja hostel-hostel yang bisa dibook online kayak di hostelworld.com, bayarnya cuma DP dulu kok sekitar $3.
  6. Histori transaksi rekening bank dalam 3 bulan terakhir. Kalo kemaren Idznie sama Va bawa rekening koran asli gitu, kalo gue malah cuma nyantumin fotokopian buku tabungan BCA, dan tembus-tembus aja kok. Jumlah saldo juga gak masalah, kalo nggak salah kita-kita nggak ada yang sampe 8 digit, malah Idznie aja di rekening korannya cuma ketulis 1 jutaan.
  7. Biaya urus visa IDR 492,000. Tenang aja, bawa 500 ribu tetep bisa kembalian kok :)

Mungkin segitu dulu aja info dari gue, semoga berguna buat yang pada punya rencana jalan-jalan di India. Namaste!

Infographic: Facebook University. How the social network is enriching the college experience

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"You've got to find what you love" ~Steve Jobs, 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.

Source: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html#

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

salingsilang.com: Nostalgia Melalui Media Sosial

Facebook Timeline, sebentar lagi bisa dinikmati oleh umum. Dengan fitur baru dari Facebook ini, kita bisa melacak apa saja yang pernah kita lakukan di Facebook bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Facebook bahkan membuatkan satu titik di saat kita baru dilahirkan, dan menambahkan foto atau status di sana. Saat ini Facebook Timeline belum aktif untuk umum karena masih menunggu hasil sengketa hukum dengan Timelines.com.

Ini mungkin fenomena unik, menjadikan media sosial sebagai dokumentasi perjalanan hidup. Dari situs media sosial lainnya, Foursquare, ada aplikasi pihak ketiga yang menawarkan fitur unik; mengingat apa yang dilakukan setahun yang lalu di Foursquare. Belakangan, aplikasi ini juga tersedia untuk Facebook. Nama aplikasinya 4SquareAnd7YearsAgo. Ia mengirim ke email kita setiap hari, apa yang terjadi setahun yang lalu di media sosial yang kita ikuti. Mungkin ada yang pernah dengar, atau bahkan sudah memakainya?

Salah seorang penulis di situs berita teknologi Wired.com, Clive Thompson, menyebut fenomena ini sebagai Memory Engineering. Dalam artikel yang ia tulis 27 September yang lalu, ia mewawancarai spesialis media sosial asal Indonesia, Daniel Giovanni, yang bisa ditemui di akun Twitter @qronoz.  Daniel dijadikannya contoh tentang bagaimana memory engineering bekerja; sebuah proses mendandani masa lalu kita di dunia dijital  menjadi lebih menarik.

Daniel bercerita tentang pengalamannya memanfaatkan aplikasi 4SquareAnd7YearsAgo. Kebetulan, saat ia diwawancarai tepat setahun ia menyelesaikan skripsinya. Menurut Daniel seperti yang dikutip artikel di Wired.com tersebut, aplikasi ini membantunya membangun kembali ingatan pada peristiwa setahun yang lalu. Dari aplikasi itu terekam apa yang pernah dilakukannya saat itu; berangkat ke kampus untuk bersiap ujian, lulus dengan nilai A, dan merayakannya dengan nonton film ke bioskop bersama teman-temannya. 

Aktivitas individu yang terekam melalui media sosial, terkadang memang sangat detil dan lengkap, sampai pengguna sendiri tidak sadar kalau mereka sedang mencatatkan sejarah mereka di beragam media sosial. Gagasan Facebook Timeline, yang oleh Facebook dipromosikan dengan judul artikel, "Tell Your Story with Timeline" tampak selaras dengan gagasan memory engineering yang dimaksud Clive Thompson tersebut. Apakah Facebook juga sedang menerapkan hal yang sama?

Satu sisi, mungkin berguna bagi si pemilik akun. Tapi jika secara tidak sadar sampai bocor ke publik, informasi yang terlalu detil tentang seseorang bukanlah hal yang lumrah untuk diumbar. Ada hal yang bersifat personal, yang mungkin orang lain tidak punya hak untuk mengetahuinya. Jadi, sambil menunggu Facebook Timeline benar-benar aktif, mungkin perlu dipertimbangkan dari sekarang, informasi apa saja tentang perjalanan hidup Anda yang akan dijadikan konsumsi umum

Kalo 4SquareAnd7YearsAgo udah coba. PastPosts juga udah. Kalo Facebook Timeline ini asli gw baru denger, resmi keluaran Facebook katanya. Mari kita tunggu bersama!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wired Magazine: Clive Thompson on Memory Engineering

Do you remember what you were doing a year ago today? Daniel Giovanni does. A social media specialist in Jakarta, Indonesia, he recently began using a clever service called 4SquareAnd7YearsAgo. The service plugs into your Foursquare “check-ins”—those geotagged notes showing where you ate, drank, and socialized. Each morning, it finds your check-ins from precisely one year earlier and emails you a summary.

The result is a curiously powerful daily jolt of reminiscence. I talked to Giovanni on July 20, the one-year anniversary of his thesis defense, as he looked over the check-ins for that day. According to the recap, he arrived on campus at 7:42 am to set up (with music from Transformers 2 pounding in his head), left the building at 12:42 pm after getting an A, then hit a movie theater to celebrate with friends. Giovanni hadn’t thought about that day in a long while, but it all came rushing back.

“It’s like this helps you reshape the memories of your life,” he told me.

4SquareAnd7YearsAgo is an example of a new trend I call memory engineering—the process of fashioning our inchoate digital pasts into useful memories.

Right now, of course, our digital lives are so bloated they’re basically imponderable. Many of us generate massive amounts of personal data every day—phonecam pictures, text messages, status updates, and so on. By default, all of us are becoming lifeloggers. But we almost never go back and look at this stuff, because it’s too hard to parse.

Never thought that my name could be written on Wired Magazine (Oct 2011) because of using 4squareand7yearsago.com. I should've post this on my Posterous to get it archived (and I think I'll get the printed one too).

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Titip menitip dengan layanan GO-JEK Indonesia dan Bistip.com

Mau nonton laga Timnas Indonesia tapi males ngantri tiket? Apa mungkin ngantri tiket Laskar Pelangi yang ticket box-nya buka siang-siang? Atau mungkin pengen beli barang di kota lain? Di luar negeri? Tapi butuhnya cepet kalo nggak males kena shipping fee? Mungkin dua layanan di bawah ini bisa elo coba.


GO-JEK Indonesia

Pertama kali tau ada layanan ini dari twitnya @arief_aziz. Pertamanya gw pikir ini cuma sebatas order ojek by phone/Y!M/BBM/Twitter aja, tapi ternyata bisa buat titip-titipan juga. Waktu meeting @TEDxJakarta beberapa bulan lalu, adiknya Arief yang jualan House of Lumpia pake GO-JEK ini buat delivery service. Makin lama ngeliatin timeline di Twitter, malah ada yang nitip tiket laga Timnas Indonesia buat diantriin, terus ada beberapa orang juga yang pake buat beli tiket Musikal Laskar Pelangi yang cepet abis itu.

Berbekal testimonial orang-orang, gw akhirnya memutuskan untuk nyobain layanan GO-JEK ini. Pertama kali gw cobain buat nitip benerin rantai jam tangan Casio gw yang cuma bisa dikerjain di Casio Service Center di deket Harmoni sana yang buka cuma pas office hour. Kalo gw musti ke sana pas lunch break, dijamin waktu gw abis di tengah jalan. Akhirnya gw coba telpon call center GO-JEK, prosedurnya cukup cepet, kita tinggal kasih tau detail pickup barangnya di mana, ntar mereka bakal calculate, dan kalo udah deal mereka bakal dateng sesuai jam request kita. Even ada konfirmasi SMS segala yang ngasih tau siapa driver yang bakal ngambilnya. Total bolak balik dari Permata Hijau - Casio Service Center - Permata Hijau cuma abis 2 jam.

Kali kedua gw nyobain, gw pake buat beli Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter di iBox Senayan City. Cukup ngasih tau detail barangnya, nanti mereka bakal beliin barangnya dan anter ke alamat kita. Kalo ini Permata Hijau - iBox Sency - Permata Hijau cuma butuh 1 jam. Overall ada beberapa poin lah yang bisa gw bikin setelah pake layanan GO-JEK ini:

  • Platform buat ngehubungin call centernya banyak
  • Sekalinya udah pernah pake, mereka bakal record datanya jadi gak ditanya-tanya ulang detail alamat kita
  • Kalo beli barang di bawah IDR 200.000, bisa dibeliin dulu sama mereka, ntar bayar pas barangnya dateng. Kalo di atas itu, mereka musti pickup dulu uangnya
  • Entah belom ada apa gw nggak dikasih semacem bukti pembayaran gitu
  • Tarifnya mirip kayak taksi tarif bawah (CMIIW)




Nah, yang kedua ini gw taunya sebenernya udah agak lama. Dulu tampilan webnya nggak sebagus yang sekarang ini, gw baru tau lagi pas webnya udah revamp. Sempet masuk DailySocial juga kalo nggak salah. Waktu itu gw emang lagi mau beli Crocs Crostail. Ya ya ya, gw emang penasaran sama si sendal yang banyak orang gak suka ini. Tapi yang Crostrail ini modelnya nggak gitu-gitu amat kok *pembelaan*. Back to topic, jadi setau gw ada beberapa model yang emang kalo di Indonesia suka abis gitu, nitip ke temen yang lagi trip ke SG mungkin bisa, dan ternyata di timeline juga ada yang rekomendasiin buat nyoba @bistipes.

Pertamanya gw kirain gw ini service sejenis Bistip dan ternyata ini justru semacem sub-service di bawahnya Bistip yang bisa dititipin barang tapi nggak usah bayar tip si orang yang dititipinnya. Jadi sebenernya si Bistip ini nyediain wadah buat orang nitip-nitipan barang, misalnya mau beli barang di Bali, tapi kitanya di Jakarta, kita bisa pake Bistip ini buat nyari orang yang bakal jalan dari Bali ke Jakarta, nego seputar tip yang mau dikasih, nanti kalo udah deal dibawain deh barangnya ke Jakarta.

Setelah daftar di webnya, akhirnya langsung kirim message ke Bistipes yang udah ada akunnya di Bistip.com, dan kebetulan @nathaliezileta juga mau nitip yang model Shayna. Prosesnya cepet aja, gak pake repot, dan sesuai jadwal pas dia balik ke Jakarta, barangnya dibawain. Useful banget buat yang mau nitip barang yang agak mahalan dari jauh, both nitip beliin apa nitip bawain, tapi harganya jauh lebih murah dari shipping yang terkenal-terkenal itu. Kalo poin-poin dari gw:

  • Kalo kirim dokumen dari US ke Indonesia abis sekitar IDR 300.000, kalo pake Bistip kemaren sempet nanya-nanya salah satu user, kenanya cuma sekitar IDR 100.000, dan itu udah nitip barang, bukan dokumen
  • Cocok buat kirim-kiriman dokumen apa barang ke sodara/temen di luar kota/negeri
  • Kalo mau pake jasa nitipnya, mending cek dulu reputasinya, sekalian background check aja soalnya alamat web, FB, sama Twitter si user juga dicantumin kok


Kira-kira segitulah review gw buat dua layanan baru yang rasanya cukup meringankan orang-orang yang maunya banyak tapi nggak mau repot. Udah ada yang pernah nyoba juga? Silakan tinggalin komentarnya di bawah ya.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Perfect Running Form, Perfect Race

Everyone dreams of running the perfect race but not everyone has the drive to work on their running form. That’s a shame, because when it comes to marathon running, form is incredibly important. If you can perfect your form then you have a much better chance of getting the time you want at your next marathon.

To help you along, consider five effective tips for improving your running form:

#1: Stay off your heels.

Never extend your leg out so far that your foot lands on the heel. Many beginner and casual runners do this and they end up with shin splints, back pain and a whole host of other problems. When you are training longer distances for marathon running, you have to make sure you are not landing on your heel. This will not only make your running stronger, but it will make training more comfortable on your body and reduce your chances of injury.

Aim to bring your foot down on the front ball or land flat-footed. This will give you the strongest spring off for smoother run and will protect your joints and muscles from strain.

#2: You are not a kid hopping puddles.

Did you ever try to jump over large rain puddles when you were a kid? When you try to leap over a large area and make it fully to the other side before you hit ground, it is natural to stretch your front leg out as far as possible. You are reaching.

Proper running form does not reach like that. You are not trying to make it over the puddle and there is no reward for taking the longest strides. Your strides must be adequate to keep your body propelling forward with consistent speed and grace, but you don’t want to look like a ballet dancer leaping through the air.

If you are over reaching in stride you will be forced to land on your heels. That is one way of determining if your stride is adequate or beyond what is necessary.

#3: You are not a camel.

You can’t go back to hopping puddles and you can’t act like a camel in marathon running, either. Some runners want to hunch forward too much when they run, creating an unnatural posture and throwing the body off-balance. This can be bad for your back and very bad for your time.

While focusing on your running form, try to stay as upright as possible. You can lean just a little forward if it helps you feel centered and balanced, but this should not be a hunched position. Keep the bumps out of your back and shoulders!

#4: Don’t bounce your way through training.

Next time you head out for a run, pay attention to the amount of bounce you have in your stride. If you feel you are bopping up and down just as much as you are propelling your body forward, then you are too much like the Easter bunny and not enough like a successful marathon runner.

All that extra bounce is going to do is eat up your energy so you have less to give to your training. Marathon running is incredibly demanding on your energy, so this is a very important aspect of running form to correct if you feel it applies to you.

#5: Keep your body strong and lean.

It is very difficult to perfect your running form if you don’t have the lean muscle to sustain that perfect posture. Similarly, if you are eating the wrong foods or packing on the pounds you won’t have the energy needed to sustain marathon running with proper running form.

Besides getting out there for your training sessions, you have to cross train. Add in some strength training for your upper body so your arms and chest balance out the muscle that naturally develops in your legs, buttocks and hips. Do other forms of cardio exercise that burn fat and keep your body tone, limber and ready for the road.

When you run short distances, you might do fairly well without focusing on running form. Once you cross into the longer distance and take up marathon running that form becomes far more important. It can control the impact felt on your joints and muscles and give you a smoother stride. In the end you will find it easier to keep to your marathon pace and make your goal time in an upcoming race.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nokia N8: The World’s Largest Stop Motion Film

Nokia is making another big push to promote the quality cameras on board their latest range of phones, by partnering with Aardman Animations and Wieden + Kennedy once again to create the Gulp animation, a new Guinness World Record animation filmed on the Nokia N8.

The stop motion fim is shot entirely on the new Nokia N8, and aims to showcase the Carl Zeiss optics and its 12-megapixel photography capabilities. They managed to place three phones elevated some 36 meters above the ground on a cherry picker on a beach in South Wales, in the UK, to cover a canvas of 42 meters x 24 meters… Basically creating the “World’s Largest Stop-motion Animation”. Crazy effort…

Do you remember the last world record stop motion animation by these guys?
It was the “World’s Smallest Stop Motion Animation

Friday, July 29, 2011

According to research, there are certain food items that help you burn calories with just the act of eating them.

What would you do if someone told you that there are such things as fat burning foods? According to research, there are certain food items that help you burn calories with just the act of eating them. This is quite good news for those weight loss advocates. Here are some of them, possibly the top 10.

Lean cut chicken

It doesn’t necessarily mean chicken alone, almost any meat would do for they are rich in protein.  Chicken however has the lowest cholesterol and fat content except the skin, which is totally the opposite. The white meat in good serving size will help you burn calories just by eating them. It takes a lot of energy to digest meat, thus burning more calories and fat in the process. This is also the reason why some diets promote protein over carbs. Well, you don’t have to necessarily eat protein alone, just add them and make sure you have healthy preparations as well. Expect the effort to be countered when you had the meat soaked in oil.


Spices specifically cayenne pepper and chilies are good additives to flavor up your meals and they are quite versatile that you can add them to almost any dish even your pizzas! Studies have shown that pepper component capsaicin helps lower fat and burn fat at the same time. It also promotes metabolism. You may notice at times that you sweat while eating a considerable amount of spice and this is evidence your metabolism is having a boost.

Olive oil

Yes, oils are fat but olive oil is different. It is actually a good source of fat that can help you lose weight. It provides healthy source of calories unlike most oils. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat that helps you burn calories and fat. More than that, it also lowers cholesterol level. Of course we don’t expect you to drink them like water (that would turn out quite bad), but you probably want to have them in food preparations where you would likely use oils.

Low fat dairy products

There is a good connection with weight loss and calcium. Studies have shown that people drinking or having low fat dairy products rich in calcium had better outcomes with weight control. In low fat dairy products however they contain both protein and calcium, both apparently help metabolize fat. Choose your low fat milk of course like those skim and non fat yogurt.


Garlic can help you burn fat. It has certain component that helps in burning fat by reducing bad cholesterol. Adding them to your meals also add up to the satiety value.

Citrus fruits

Some foods contain chemicals that are conducive in reducing fat amount in the body, one of them is citrus fruits. A good intake of your oranges and lemons will help you burn fat effectively and also provide a good source of vitamin C good for your immunity.

Apples and berries

Apples and berries contain chemical called pectin. Pectin essentially limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. It involves a certain bind with water at cellular level in which helps remove fat deposits. Apples are quite a good snack and can give you full nutrients.


Broccoli or basically any green veggies contain a lot of fiber. Fiber as we know acts as a good booster for metabolism. Eating a good amount will  help you control appetite and also allows more fat burning due to the boost in metabolism.

Whole grain

Whole grains and oats are great bulk food items. It lowers your appetite and makes you feel full. Also it contains a lot of fiber helping you burn more calories and fat just by regular intake. It is always a better option to choose over whole grain products for your cereals and bread.

Green tea

Green tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG which acts on burning calories throughout the day. Green tea is great taken as a drink and in replacement to coffee if you dislike too much caffeine. Natural green teas can give you lesser caffeine content but still help you stay away awake and alert.

Of course eating may help you burn fat but it doesn’t totally mean that it is the only thing you should do. There are definitely a lot of approaches for weight loss and you can add this technique to your main activities. Don’t forget exercise and a healthy living. Good luck!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Komik Strip: Industri Musik 2011..


Ini sih jelas banget nyepet SM*SH ya :))

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to Achieve Your First Muscle Up


After saying to myself that I was going to do it for over a year now, I finally took the time and practiced until I was able to do my first muscle up. I had forgotten what it’s like to do an exercise you never were able to do before – and I will tell you it feels great.

What makes the muscle up so fun to learn is that most people can’t do it. It’s the same idea behind getting really good at the butterfly stroke for those of you who swim. It’s not really necessary for a good workout…but you look sweet doing it. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a little showing off here and there.

What is a Muscle Up?

A muscle up is when you do a normal pull up, and then continue to go up pushing your arms down into a dip like movement. At the end, you’re straight on top of the bar when your arms back down. Here’s a video demonstrating how to do it:


Working Your Way Up to Your First Muscle-Up…

You’re probably not going to be able to watch a video and then go out and do a perfect muscle up. If you are able to – well, that’s impressive. But for the rest of us – you need to work your way up. Both strength and technique are involved, and you need both to get the exercise.

Building Strength:

Building strength for this is pretty straightforward. You’ll want to focus on pull-ups, dips, and some lower leg lifts for your abs (not necessary but helpful). Once you can do all of those exercises for more than 10 repetitions each, you’re strong enough and just need to work on technique.


This is how I learned how to do it.

Part 1:

The first time ever, start with a normal pull up (you can kick your legs though). Then literally climb to reach the next part. Put one of your elbows onto the bar, push yourself on the bar and then get your other arm over there. Then push yourself up and do a full dip getting your arms pushing straight down.

This may have been ugly and it may have hurt a bit – but you’ve done your first muscle-up! It only gets easier after this.

Part 2:

Start with a normal pull up, kick your legs for momentum, try to get a little swing going. While in the swing, kick up and get to the top of the bar, bend one elbow up quickly and push yourself over the bar. Now bring your other arm up, and do the dip. You’re starting to look good now, and it’s time to reach the final stage.

Part 3:

Swing back and forth on the bar, kick your legs for momentum mid swing, reach the end of the bar and bend both elbows up, push yourself over the bar and down and complete your first, beautifully done muscle-up. Good work!

Here’s a really nice video tutorial:

Monday, July 18, 2011

RunAddicts: 5 Long Distance Running Tips for Beginners

Long distance running is a very challenging thing to take up. Most successful long distance runners have a real passion for training and are mentally able to push through physical discomfort to hit their mile goals. If you think you have what it takes to become one of these elite runners, these long distance running tips for beginners will help you get started.

#1: Make sure your expectations of your body are realistic.

The first thing you have to do when you decide to become a long distance runner is take stock of where you are as a runner today. If you are not already running shorter distances on a routine basis, then you will realistically take longer to hit the long miles than someone who has already completed at few 5Ks and runs a few times a week.

If you expect too much of yourself in the beginning, you will feel disappointed with your progress. That disappointment can easily feel like failure which leads to quitting. It is much better to start out with reasonable expectations so you feel successful and powerful as you progress.

#2: Your toes need room to breathe.

It is very common for long distance runners to have black and blue toes that are quite painful. This isn’t just the demand and strain of an intense training schedule. It is also a matter of finding running shoes with the proper fit.

Make sure there is ¾” to 1″ of space between the top of your big toe and the end of your shoe. This may feel too big when you first try it on, but you need the extra space around the toes so they are not rubbing into the shoe and being pressed into one another. That is what causes a lot of the bruised toes experienced by runners who pound the pavement for many hours at a time.

You can wear thicker socks or put moleskin the back heel of your shoes if it slips off your heel due to the extra room in the toe.

Also pay attention to your clothing and make sure you are dressed for the weather.

#3: Pay attention to your body and listen if it needs to slow down.

Training pace is not a one-size-fits-all issue. If you are following a training plan or someone else’s guidelines don’t be afraid to make modifications if your body needs to slow down at times. If you are doing your own thing then make sure to listen to your body and give yourself rests when it is needed.

If you push too hard too fast you can end up with overuse injuries that take you out of the running game for awhile or severely slow your training down. Your body will talk to you if you pay attention.

Some aches and pains are normal, but you shouldn’t feel severe pain. Also look for signs of fatigue and exhaustion which can be signs that you are pushing too hard at the moment and need to give yourself a break.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to take a day or two off before a race. Rest up and restore your energy so you don’t face exhaustion on the big day.

#4: Smoother, softer surfaces are best.

It is easy to find a sidewalk or perhaps a concrete path to run on, but it is best to go for a dirt trail or some other surface that is softer. Long distance runners can develop joint and back problems over time because of the pounding their body takes during those long runs. The softer the surface, the more you spare your joints.

You can also do some of your runs indoors on a treadmill to go even lighter on your body. Just make sure outdoor running is part of the plan as well.

#5: Every workout doesn’t have to be ball-busting hardcore.

You don’t have to run your body into exhaustion every time you set out for a run. Some of your runs should be light, casual runs that work the body with less stress. You should also do some interval training that doesn’t focus directly on increasing your distance.

Long distance running is about going further, but it is also about form, speed and control. If you are just beginning as a runner you may want to do a lot of reading to learn why these other things are so important when running the distance.

It takes a lot of dedication and passion to survive in the world of long distance running. Do you still think you have what it takes?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

How to send Google+ invitation for dummies

  1. Open your Google+ home screen
  2. Head to the "Circle" tab
  3. Click "Add a new person"
  4. Write down their email (preferably Google account), or maybe you can try emails from other domains
  5. Pick the proper circle for your friend
  6. Head back to the home screen, then write your friend's email on the stream

There's another alternative if you want to sent all-at-once invitation, just repeat the step 1-5. Then you can sent the invitation to the circle instead of writing down the emails one by one.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cerita dari London dalam 326 tweet

Sekitar 300an tweet di bawah ini adalah kumpulan update yang gw lakukan dari tanggal 22 Juni sore hingga 29 Juni dini hari. Enjoy!
  1. This is gonna be an exciting trip. My very first time traveling overseas alone by myself. #JDLondon
  2. Harusnya nanti bakal duduk nggak jauh2 bareng @_thunderpanda_ sama @wenzrawk pas di pesawat. Kecuali pada pilih seat jauh2an :) #JDLondon
  3. Baru merhatiin visa. Duration of stay: 180 days. @magnivate mau buka kantor cabang London nggak sampe Desember? :))
  4. Nampaknya counter check in belum dibuka saudara2. #JDLondon
  5. Ternyata internet online check-in punya counter sendiri. Dan gw paling depan sendiri. Uhuy! #JDLondon [pic]: http://4sq.com/j5iiEk
  6. Yang ngantri counter online check-in: 4 orang. Yang ngantri check-in normal: 30 orang. Menarik. #JDLondon
  7. Yang masuk bagasi 10kg pun nggak ada. Pulang bawa apaan ya yang 20kg? Bayi bule? :)) #JDLondon
  8. *ngambil makanan seenak jidat* (@ Citibank Lounge Terminal 2 Soeta w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/jr067W
  9. Org ini dpt approval visa UK juga hari ini ---> RT @willyirawan: Alhamdulillah!!!!! RDV 2011 here I comeeee!!!!!!!!!! *joget2birdsofparadise
  10. Ternyata @nathaliezileta di Pulau Palue masih dapet sinyal. Malahan gw yang buat 5 hari ke depan nggak ada sinyal :|
  11. Boarding EK 357. CGK - DXB. (@ Gate D1) http://4sq.com/iEh5Ld
  12. Milih seat di 25H dr Seating Advice di TripIt. Kalo yang merah itu artinya nggak enak banget. Yg kuning ada +/-.
  13. (lanjutan) Kalo yang putih normal. Kalo nemu yang ijo itu berarti yang paling enak. Pokoknya TripIt recommended bgt lah.
  14. Nggak cuma Seating Advice, updated flight schedule juga ada di TripIt. Lengkap lah. #JDLondon
  15. Cobaan selanjutnya adalah di imigrasi Heathrow. Katanya @LingkyChingo ketat banget di sana. Yaudahlah, masih bbrp belas jam lagi. #JDLondon
  16. Gate D1 Soekarno-Hatta udah berasa di Dubai nih. Assalamualaikum! :) #JDLondon
  17. Udah duduk manis. Siap berangkat. Sampai jumpa, Indonesia! #JDLondon
  18. I'm at Dubai International Airport (DXB) مطار دبي الدولي (Al Garhoud - Airport Road, القرهود - شارع المطار, Dubai) http://4sq.com/lfzbbZ
  19. Hello from Dubai! It's 10:42pm here. Finally stepped my foot in Middle East for the first time.
  20. Buset gatenya nyampe beratus2 kalo di airport Dubai euy! #JDLondon http://twitpic.com/5faway
  21. Kasir2 di toko2 yang ada di airport Dubai ini muka2 familiar ya. Btw, jogging asik kali ya, panjang gini euy hall-nya. #JDHRC
  22. Btw, official hashtag-nya ternyata #JDHRC, diganti ya bukan #JDLondon :)
  23. Makasih @alderina buat pinjeman battery pack-nya. Berguna sekali! #JDHRC
  24. Bersama rombongan @GBluesShelter di Burger King. Bareng @wenzrawk @_thunderpanda_ @ipongHRC juga. #JDHRC
  25. Duduk doang. No expense ah :) (@ Burger King Terminal 3) [pic]: http://4sq.com/khIjy3
  26. Taman di dalem airport Dubai. Ini kok dingin ya di sekitar sini? Emang suhu normalnya gini apa AC doang? #JDHRC
  27. Jam 1 pagi di Dubai Airport ramenya kayak Senayan City kalo weekend. #JDHRC
  28. Akhirnya dapet juga nih tempat buat tiduran dikit yang sinyal wifinya mantep. #JDHRC
  29. Kata @_thunderpanda_ naik Emirates berasa dibacain doa melulu :)) #JDHRC
  30. Flight ke London dari Dubai lamanya udah kayak Jakarta ke Dubai. Tidur blas ini mah euy. Mana laper lagi. #JDHRC
  31. Gimana nggak betah di dalem pesawat kalo kayak gini :) #JDHRC
  32. Lumayan lah pas flight tadi nonton Rango sama Justin Bieber: Never Say Never. Btw, ada The Adjustment Bureau juga. Kalah bioskop Indonesia.
  33. Yang analog buat timezone Indonesia, yang digital buat timezone local :) #JDHRC
  34. Boarding now. Ciao, Dubai. See you soon, London! #JDHRC
  35. Foto terakhir sebelom sinyal wifi ilang. #JDHRC http://twitpic.com/5fd2pu
  36. I just unlocked the "JetSetter" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/jip2FO
  37. I'm at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) (234 Bath Rd., Hounslow) w/ 16 others http://4sq.com/lSCIrb
  38. Butuh nomernya @LingkyChingo nih. Mungkin @willyirawan @anienmd bisa membantu? Urgent euy.
  39. Ketemu stasiun nyolok nih bray. Langsung diserbu @wenzrawk @ipongHRC @_thunderpanda_ :)) #JDHRC
  40. Untung ada sim card 3 yg pay as you go. Masih bisa buka Skype sama Twitter jadinya buat minta nomer @LingkyChingo.
  41. Udah di dalem tube. Picadilly Line. Menuju Leichester Square. #JDHRC
  42. Yak. Udah ketemu @LingkyChingo. Siap berpetualang sambil nunggu check-in hotel. #JDHRC
  43. I'm at Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square, London) http://4sq.com/iYWCtc
  44. Untuk pembukaan jalan2 di London, nih gw beri #planking di Travalgar Square :)) #JDHRC
  45. Cuacanya nggak dingin2 amat. Mirip kayak Puncak siang2. Gak perlu jaket :) #JDHRC
  46. Awas kuda galak! #JDHRC (@ Horse Guards Parade) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kb7de3
  47. Nggak berani kalo #planking di sini kakak :)) #JDHRC (@ Big Ben w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lBtFVr
  48. Orang ini yang akan jadi tour guide-nya @willyirawan bulan depan di London :))
  49. Liat doang dari bawah biar gratis :) (@ The London Eye w/ 5 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/laVhxt
  50. Boleh nonton freerun-nya kakak :) /cc @willyirawan
  51. Argh! Ada street artist dandan mirip banget sama Jack Sparrow. Pengen foto bareng tapi nggak punya uang receh :(
  52. Kayak pernah liat tempat ini deh di video parkour yang mana gitu. *nginget2*
  53. Pemandangan yg biasa di tgh siang bolong di London: Runner!
  54. Makan siang beli di Borough Market, makannya numpang di sini. (@ Southwark Cathedral) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lJlzD3
  55. Belom 24 jam udah kangen nasi. Edan lah sekotak gini sama lime abisnya £7. Hadehhh :| #JDHRC
  56. Seriously. There are so many runners here in London. Running along in exact same pavement with tourists and workers. #JDHRC
  57. *joget2 ala Fergie* (@ London Bridge) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mhTJi8
  58. Installment keren tentang Coca-Cola.
  59. Dengan ini twitpic2 dari London akan ditunda hingga pukul 6pm BST atau pukul 12am WIB demi kemaslahatan timeline :)
  60. I'm at Hotel InterContinental London Park Lane (1 Hamilton Place, London) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mehmGS
  61. Kayaknya di sini nggak ada yang namanya sinyal EDGE ya? Apa iPhone gw yang bermasalah?
  62. Eh, ini di InterContinental bisa minta toothpaste sama shaver nggak sih? 2-2nya ketinggalan nih kayaknya di Jakarta :)) #turiskere
  63. Shaver sama toothpaste udah nyampe di kamar. Sekarang waktunya berburu voucher 3 (lagi) buat aktifin unlimited data plan.
  64. Dengan bahasa Inggris pas2an akhirnya sukses nelpon ke customer service Three UK yang (kayaknya) orang India.
  65. Si @LingkyChingo yang mau lanjut jadi tour guide buat sesi sore-malem malah ketiduran. Kumaha ini? :))
  66. Weis, tipinya customized gini euy menunya! :)) #NdesoUnite #JDHRC
  67. I'm at 3 Store (257 Oxford St., London) w/ 2 others [pic]: http://4sq.com/iejkPY
  68. Buset rame amat ini kayak Ramayana :)) (@ Primark) [pic]: http://4sq.com/ljaweX
  69. Kena hasutan @LingkyChingo buat belanja. Bahaya ini bahayaaa :)) #JDHRC http://twitpic.com/5fqbdx
  70. Udah mau jam 8 malem tapi masih terang aja nih di sini. Bahaya buat jam tidur :) #JDHRC
  71. "Wanted for murder of a Chinese family of four". Ini ditempel di rumah makan biasa.
  72. I'm at Four Seasons | 文興酒家 (12 Gerrard St, Dean St, London) w/ 3 others [pic]: http://4sq.com/l3x7Y9
  73. Di London sini orang2nya dandanpol semua ya. Mengagumkan.
  74. Crispy Duck Aromatic rekomendasi @LingkyChingo di Four Seasons Restaurant ini asli enak banget! #JDHRC
  75. I'm at Apple Store w/ @andytjokro [pic]: http://4sq.com/j4soHD
  76. Just posted a photo @ Nag's Head http://instagr.am/p/GP8Fy/
  77. Uang kertas Inggris lebar amat ya. Gak muat di dompet jd pake dilipet segala. Uang logamnya jg tebel parah. #JDHRC
  78. Tube-nya London mengingatkan pada MRT-nya Singapore. Somehow yang ini lebih asik. #JDHRC
  79. Just spent my first 15 hours in London. I like this city but I completely hate the expenses :)) #JDHRC
  80. I'm at Hotel InterContinental London Park Lane (1 Hamilton Place, London) http://4sq.com/k8s5ui
  81. Terima kasih sebesar2nya buat @LingkyChingo yang udah nemenin strolling keliling London seharian jalan kaki campur pake Tube. #JDHRC
  82. Yang di WIB udah pada bangun pagi. Yang di GSTbaru pada mau tidur. Selamat malam semuanya!
  83. Buset deh London. Kemaren jam 10 malem masih terang, sekarang belom jam 5 pagi juga udah terang. Yang vampir buru2 pasti kerjanya. #JDHRC
  84. Air keran di London bisa langsung diminum nggak sih?
  85. Bro minum air keran bro. #JDHRC
  86. Kemaren malem pas pulang ke hotel udah ada weather forecast di meja samping tempat tidur. #JDHRC
  87. #JDHRC stands for Jack Daniel's Hard Rock Calling. Thank you JD Indonesia for giving me a chance to see another side of the world.
  88. Dikasih tau @heykie kalo ada aplikasi Hard Rock Calling di iPhone. Lumayan banget ini euy! #JDHRC
  89. Bawa smartphone yang bisa tethering kalo ke UK ini bener2 ngebantu banget. 15p udah all you can eat. Kalo wifi hotel 15p cuma sehari. #JDHRC
  90. Pulsa 3 udah abis aja gara2 dipake nelpon 2 menit doang. Tinggal sisa bonus buat call/SMS sesama nomer UK. Untung ada Google SMS :)
  91. Kayaknya seru ya kalo festival2 musik di Indonesia dibikin juga iOS app-nya kayak Hard Rock Calling ini. #JDHRC
  92. Pagi2 ada kabar gembira dari The Daily Telegraph buat para jomblo nih :))
  93. Memulai petualangan London hari ini bersama @wenzrawk @_thunderpanda_ @ipongHRC #JDHRC http://twitpic.com/5g0ppo
  94. Pada nggak mau foto dalem telepon umum. Bau pesing parah :)) #JDHRC
  95. Mampir ke sini lagi demi kelancaran komunikasi sesama Petualang London :) #JDHRC (@ 3 Store) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mQtpSa
  96. Numpang pegang2 BlackBerry Playbook (@ Phones 4 U) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lDvnuN
  97. RT @deathrockstar: @qronoz @wenzrawk @iponkhrc di london #jdhrc
  98. Nggak berani twitpic banyak2 takut dihujat :))
  99. Somewhere in London http://instagr.am/p/GR7YF/
  100. Just posted a photo @ Abbey Road Studios http://instagr.am/p/GSQlV/
  101. Gak bisa #planking di Abbey Road. Traffic-nya rame. Dilindes double decker ntar gw :))
  102. I've just crossed the famous Abbey Road! :)
  103. Mengandalkan Google Maps demi ketemu @mahadewa :) #JDHRC
  104. I'm at St Paul's Cathedral w/ @mahadewa [pic]: http://4sq.com/iE44h3
  105. RT @mahadewa: Finally Meet :) w/ @qronoz [photo] http://with.me?CaB
  106. Kunjungan ke kantornya Chris w/ @mahadewa [photo] http://with.me?CaV
  107. Just posted a photo @ St Paul's Cathedral http://instagr.am/p/GSldb/
  108. Akhirnya ketemu kereta yang nggak underground :) (@ Whitechapel Railway Station (ZWL)) [pic]: http://4sq.com/iNQfin
  109. I'm at Geffrye Museum (136 Kingsland Rd., Pearson St., London) http://4sq.com/kqzBh9
  110. Masuk ruangan ini jadi inget Mr. Bean yang ngerusak lukisan :))
  111. Isi standar ruangan keluarga di Inggris periode 1990-2000. #JDHRC
  112. Latihan Quidditch di sini enak kali ya :)) #JDHRC
  113. Lagi ada kebakaran. Nggak kayak di Jakarta. Kalo di sini nggak rame sama penonton :) #JDHRC
  114. Hard Rock Calling! #JDHRC (@ Hyde Park w/ 15 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/j51OrK
  115. Let rock and roll! #JDHRC
  116. I'm seeing WOLF GANG at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  117. Buset deh. Lautan manusia ini di Hyde Park euy! Performer pertama lagi main nih: Wolf Gang #JDHRC
  118. Ternyata di London sini juga ada calo. "Any spare tickets? Any spare tickets?". Gak tau calo apa emang nyariin tiket :)) #JDHRC
  119. Is this tweet gonna be displayed on @HardRockCalling big screen? If so, let me send my greeting to all Indonesians in Hyde Park! \m/ #JDHRC
  120. Mencari letak keberadaan @itsbowie @wenzrawk @deathrockstar @ipongHRC di dalem Hyde Park. Posisi dimana? Ganti. #JDHRC
  121. Vokalisnya Wolf Gang ini mirip Kurt yang ada di Glee. #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  122. I'm live on Ustream! Check out my show: http://ustre.am/Aevz 5:26 PM GMT+01:00
  123. RT @HardRockCalling: Yay! @wolfgang just played their new single 'The King And All Of His Men' - check it out here:http://cot.ag/lSQBSI ...
  124. Udara makin dingin dan perut makin laper. Enaknya tahu gejrot nih. #JDHRC
  125. Any1 wanna receive this postcard sent from @HardRockCalling? I can send u one. Just tweet me why u want it. #JDHRC
  126. Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork and Golden Cadillac for dinner. Ossum! \m/ #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  127. The Killers parah kerennya euy! Sayang batere iPhone udah mokat mulai pas Kaiser Chiefs. @HardRockCalling #JDHRC
  128. Alesannya @alderina bagus juga. Gw kirim postcard @HardRockCalling ya, Pon ;)
  129. Mulai dari jam 6 sore (GST) udah ujan di Hyde Park. Nonton lengkap bareng sama poncho deh. Parah dinginnya. @HardRockCalling #JDHRC
  130. I'm seeing KAISER CHIEFS at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  131. I'm seeing THE KILLERS at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  132. Dapet VIP access di @HardRockCalling ini asik bgt. Makan sama minum gratis sekuatnya. Pas nonton ada area khusus pula. #JDHRC
  133. Di London agak beda sm Singapore. Kalo di sini pengguna iPhone banding BB masih (keliatannya) sama banyak. Malah ada yg Samsung, HTC, dll.
  134. Drizzle dari kemaren malem nampaknya belom reda juga sampe pagi ini. Alamat dingin banget nih euy :|
  135. Baru jam setengah 6 pagi nih di sini. Siaran @skypeunite radio aja apa? :))
  136. The Crossing - Abbey Road Studios: http://t.co/tVErBbk via @AddThis
  137. Apparently abbeyroad.com recorded my crossing and it's archived for 24hrs. That's me & @IpongHRC! #JDHRC
  138. Mengudara ah sejam di @skypeunite radio. Yang mau dengerin silakan aja langsung ke http://bit.ly/yeahSU. Bisa dari smartphone juga kok :)
  139. RT @stellaweenas: Lagi dengerin @qronoz mengudara di @skypeunite. Live From London! Canggih lah temen gue yang satu ini :)
  140. RT @mahadewa: A private #Instameet with @qronoz  It was good to see you Dan! You lucky lucky man  Enjoy your stay and the con http://i ...
  141. Madame Tussauds London itu worth nggak sih buat £28.80? Mahal bener tiketnya :| #JDHRC
  142. RT @MissLaiLai: @qronoz gw ke London, HK, and NYC semua ada madametussaud, and gw ga pergi loh :P. Males, not my thing. Make sure u do L ...
  143. RT @babysmurf: @qronoz kira-kira kamu tertarik gak liat kumpulan patung orang terkenal dari lilin? Kalo gua sih gak :p
  144. Hari ini bakal berawan seharian & besok katanya bakal panas bgt sampe 30' C di London. Besok ada kesempatan buat pake celana pendek klo gt.
  145. Today's breakfast @ Hotel InterContinental London Park Lane http://instagr.am/p/GV1T9/
  146. Jesus Festival http://instagr.am/p/GWIfD/
  147. Besok pagi lari di taman sekitar hotel kayaknya seru nih. Udah lama nggak @GLTDrun-an :)
  148. I'm at Buckingham Palace (7 Buckingham Palace Rd., London) w/ 2 others [pic]: http://4sq.com/jBhx3k
  149. Buset deh kuda2 di sini gede2 amat ya. #JDHRC
  150. Just posted a photo @ Buckingham Palace http://instagr.am/p/GWMlu/
  151. Di halaman Buckingham Palace lg ganti shift prajurit. Gw udh dtg 30 menit lebih cepet ternyata ttp gak dpt spot :|
  152. Polisi2 yang jaga di Buckingham Palace sabarnya tingkat tinggi nih. Dari turis yang beneran clueless sampe yang pura2 bego musti dijabanin.
  153. I'm at Changing of the Guard (Buckingham Palace, Buckingham Palace, London) w/ 2 others http://4sq.com/iffhcf
  154. Changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace frontyard. http://twitvid.com/KW64T
  155. Combo tuh barusan twitpic sama twitvid :)
  156. There you go, fellas. I'm #planking at Buckingham Palace.
  157. I'm at Natural History Museum (Cromwell Rd., London) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lD0xib
  158. Antrian masuk ke Natural History Museum panjang bener.
  159. Whoa! The Giant Sequioa!
  160. I'm at Science Museum (Exhibition Rd., London) w/ 10 others [pic]: http://4sq.com/kyWJse
  161. Ternyata London cuacanya juga bisa nyamain Bandung. Serasa pulang kampung. #eh
  162. I'm at Hotel InterContinental London Park Lane (1 Hamilton Place, London) http://4sq.com/kmCCKL
  163. Sepatu kayak ginian di Primark harganya £5 alias gak nyampe 70rb Rupiah. Gimana gak kehasut sama @LingkyChingo :))
  164. Buset yang nitip sepatu banyak gini. Gw bisnisin aja apa? :)) Btw, tapi kan koper gw gak muat euy :|
  165. Kalo gini ceritanya mending ntar gw & @LingkyChingo buka jasa pesen brg Primark kali ya. @incaem @bonni_pc @farhanvsgnk @dinandar @echosant
  166. Tau gini gw bawa koper gedean biar bisa bisnis sepatu yg dibeli di Primark. Lumayan nih udah ada 7 orang yang nitip :))
  167. Btw, di London ini ada siapa lagi ya? Masa cuma ketemu @LingkyChingo sama @mahadewa doang? #banciTU
  168. RT @GNFI: @dinopattidjalal will be the first RI ambassador invited to Black Entertainment Television award in LA, Sunday.
  169. Back here again for the second day! #JDHRC (@ Hard Rock Calling w/ 35 others) http://4sq.com/lL1c8F
  170. A glass of Howling Wolf for booster. \m/ #JDHRC
  171. Panoramic view of Day 2 @HardRockCalling 2011. #JDHRC
  172. I'm seeing THE CONTRAST at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  173. Nikmat bener festival musik kayak @HardRockCalling. Duduk2, tidur2an, sinyal gak susah, angin sepoi2. #JDHRC
  174. Di festival semacem @HardRockCalling ini rasanya jarang banget liat orang yang ngerokok. Hmmm. #JDHRC
  175. Di @HardRockCalling ini, screen gedenya berkali2 ngasih tau penonton buat like FB, follow Twitter, pake hashtag, checkin 4sq. #JDHRC
  176. I'm seeing BON JOVI at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  177. Akhirnya Bon Jovi nongol juga di panggung @HardRockCalling :) #JDHRC
  178. Suasana venue @HardRockCalling hari kedua. Cerah euy! #JDHRC
  179. Lautan manusia di @HardRockCalling 2011. Hyde Park penuh pol! #JDHRC
  180. Melipir dulu ke VIP area buat isi perut. Ntar baru balik lagi ke depan panggung. #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  181. Legendary Pizza Burger (menu from Hard Rock Cafe New York) and Blue Hawaiian for dinner. @HardRockCalling #JDHRC
  182. Itu yang ada kecil2 di belakang bendera orang semua tuh. #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  183. Btw, di Jakarta udah tengah malem kan? Justru maksudnya biar gak banyak yang baca jadi aktif ngetwitnya jam segini :)
  184. RT @HardRockCalling: Spine tingling version of Hallelujah from @BonJovi! Wow! #hrc2011
  185. Hari ini gw ada 2 postcard lg nih buat dikirim lgsg dr @HardRockCalling. Siapa yg mau silakan tweet gw alesannya.
  186. Apa banget dah dibikin kuis2an segala. Ya gpp lah ya, biar seru :)
  187. I'm seeing BON JOVI at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  188. Nangkring di VIP area bray w/ @_thunderpanda_ [photo] http://with.me?Cer
  189. Bro makan bro w/ @itsbowie @nyep_nyep @HardRockCalling [photo] http://with.me?CeF
  190. Sedang berkumandang di Hyde Park: Livin' On A Prayer by @BonJovi. #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  191. Berakhirlah gelaran hari kedua @HardRockCalling. Besok waktunya @GBluesShelter! #JDHRC
  192. Weather forecast London bener2 terpercaya. Pagi berawan, sore matahari dikit, malem cerah.
  193. Di saat2 seperti Google SMS benar2 terasa manfaatnya. *dadah2 virtual sama yang lagi di Pulau Palue*
  194. Sepi gila di Canada Water. Padahal udah jam setengah 11 siang.
  195. I'm at Surrey Quays Shopping Centre (Redrif Road, London) [pic]: http://4sq.com/juGoGU
  196. RT @ilhambastiankid: #planking itu #ternyata melelahkan, memalukan, kadang menyakitkan, tp menantang *lirik @qronoz http://t.co/G5beGZa
  197. Jgn lupa nanti jam setengah 6 ikutin @RollingStoneINA @deathrockstar buat live report @GBluesShelter manggung di @HardRockCalling. #JDHRC
  198. Kira2 kayak ginilah suasana di London pinggiran. Daerah pemukiman.
  199. Inikah sepatu Kalenji yang terkenal di antara para penggiat parkour itu? (@ Decathlon) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kPeH3O
  200. Taun2 depan belom tentu ke London lagi. Kalenji Ekiden 50 langsung borong dua! :))
  201. Mampir bentar taro barang abis itu siap meluncur ke Hyde Park buat nonton @GBluesShelter http://4sq.com/ixryg3
  202. Cuaca hari ini katanya bakal nyampe 29' C. Akhirnya celana pendek kepake juga! :)) #JDHRC
  203. Di pintu masuk Hyde Park ada LED display kasih pengumuman "DO NOT BUY FROM TOUTS". Calo ternyata universal ya. #JDHRC
  204. RT @GBluesShelter: Jono, Bowie and @HardRockCalling !! @nyep_nyep @itsbowie
  205. Postcard dari @HardRockCalling sudah terkirim ya @myuts @alderina @umenumen @lalitia :) #JDHRC
  206. Panasnya udah kayak Ancol nih. Lebih parah malah. (@ Hard Rock Calling w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/mugfmE
  207. Siap2 nonton @GBluesShelter. @deathrockstar udah siap tempur aja nih. @HardRockCalling #JDHRC
  208. Jayalah Red Bull beserta hasil oplosannya! :)) @HardRockCalling #JDHRC
  209. Postcard @HardRockCalling terakhir dikirim buat @yukinoalmira. Dikirim langsung dari Hyde Park! :) #JDHRC
  210. Semoga postcard2 yg dikirim buat @alderina @lalitia @umenumen @yukinoalmira @myuts sampai selamat di Jkt. #JDHRC
  211. RT @pinot: USGS: 6.4 magnitude earthquake hits north coast of Papua, Indonesia http://t.co/T5wtrFW
  212. #nowperforming on @HardRockCalling Main Stage: @GBluesShelter! @nyep_nyep pake baju Soekarno! #JDHRC
  213. .@GBluesShelter main di depan puluhan ribu penonton di @HardRockCalling! http://twitvid.com/LXAR0
  214. .@GBluesShelter on @HardRockCalling big screen. Superb! \m/ #JDHRC
  215. Parah banyaknya yang nonton @GBluesShelter di @HardRockCalling! Gelo! #JDHRC
  216. RT @RollingStoneINA: Live tweets @GBluesShelter concert from the main stage of @HardRockCalling 2011, Hyde Park, London is powered by J ...
  217. RT @RollingStoneINA: @GBluesShelter menghajar @HardRockCalling 2011 di Hyde Park, London dengan "Woman", +20.000 berdansa! http://locker ...
  218. .@GBluesShelter sukses menarik perhatian puluhan ribu penonton @HardRockCalling di Hyde Park!
  219. Ribuan jempol buat @GBluesShelter. Se-Hyde Park pada tepuk tangan! @HardRockCalling \m/ #JDHRC
  220. RT @HardRockCalling: Don't forget to bring the suncream today if you're heading to @HardRockCalling - it's going to be hot hot hot! #HRC2011
  221. Mari mencoba peruntungan. Kalo dapet apel warna emas bisa dapet iPod nih. #JDHRC
  222. Menjelajah venue @HardRockCalling bersama @wenzrawk dan @ipongHRC. #JDHRC
  223. I'm seeing GUGUN BLUES SHELTER at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  224. I'm seeing STEFANY JUNE at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  225. Di Hyde Park sini kalo udah pada kepanasan gini ya pd buka baju. Nggak cowo nggak cewe :) @HardRockCalling #JDHRC
  226. Dan @ipongHRC serta @wenzrawk ikut juga ngobok2 gentong. Kali aja nongol nih iPod Shuffle :) #JDHRC
  227. Yang cewe pd bikinian sih, nggak sampe segitu buka2nya. Nggak usah di-twitpic ya. What happened in Hyde Park stays in Hyde Park :)) #JDHRC
  228. RT @anienmd: RT @tedxjakarta: Hey, D-6 to TEDxJakarta:YOU! submissions deadline. Get that webcam on and start recording your talk | http ...
  229. I'm seeing TRAIN at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  230. VIP dapet area khusus di depan panggung antara media pit sama penonton. Thanks, Jack Daniel's Indonesia! #JDHRC
  231. RT @HardRockCalling: Patrick Monahan, lead singer of @train has just been for a wander into the Hyde Park crowd! #HRC2011
  232. Sblm nyanyiin Soul Sister, vokalisnya Train turun ke barikade penonton buat foto2 bareng. @HardRockCalling #JDHRC http://twitvid.com/HGYJJ
  233. Semua yg ada di list ini gratis euy! Btw, Raspberry Mojito ini berasa daun kemangi ya :)) #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  234. Ini bule lagi cerita kalo kemaren dia hampir busted kemaren gara2 "the good stuffs" :)) #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  235. Pls introduce Jason Sanform from @RoscoBandana! His band got some great stuffs! Check out their Myspace page too!
  236. Si bartender ini girang bener dikasih kaos Jack Daniel's. Sampe teriak2 segala. You're welcome, dude! \m/ #JDHRC
  237. Selesai manggung, @GBluesShelter sekarang dimintain interview sama Columbia Radio (US). #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  238. Dan baru saja @deathrockstar memberikan satu buah CD @sajama_cut untuk @RoscoBandana. #JDHRC /cc @bekicotngesot
  239. Berapa banyak yang nonton @HardRockCalling hari ini? Gw nggak tau deh. Udah kayak pasir liatnya. #JDHRC
  240. I'm seeing ADAM ANT at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  241. Sumpek dan panas banget di Pepsi Max Stage. Barenaked Ladies lagi main nih soalnya. #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  242. Sumprit ini beneran panas banget di Hyde Park. Ikut2an buka baju juga apa? :/ #JDHRC
  243. #nowperforming Adam Ant on @HardRockCalling Main Stage. #JDHRC
  244. I'm seeing BARENAKED LADIES at HR Calling. Get the App http://vf.xomo.ca/app/hardrockcalling
  245. "I owe you man. I don't work for Hard Rock anymore. You're my boss now". Dan gw mintanya apa malah dikasih JD :))
  246. Calling out all TBBT fans out there. Barenaked Ladies is performing the soundtrack on @HardRockCalling! http://twitvid.com/ULBRZ
  247. Gebles banget dah. MCnya barusan salah ngomong Hard Rock Calling jadi hard cock :)) #JDHRC
  248. Dan ternyata Lighthouse Family bikin showcase di VIP tent. Woohoo! #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  249. Lagi2 @GBluesShelter dimintain wawancara. Kali ini buat media Columbia. #JDHRC @HardRockCalling
  250. 12 hours left in London. What to do now?
  251. Cuaca hari ini berkisar antara 25'-31' Celcius. Mari bercelana pendek! #JDHRC
  252. Keren...Senjata, Granat dan iPad untuk Tentara Singapura | Republika Online http://t.co/XOcvsWH via @republikaonline
  253. Kalo commuting di Zona 1 London lebih banyak ketemu iPhone 4. Kalo ke Zona 2 mepet ke 3 ketemunya iPhone 3GS. Kebetulan mungkin :))
  254. Tapi kayak yg sempet gw tweet kemaren, iPhone user di sini masih seimbang sama user BB, HTC, Samsung, dll. Nokia jadul aja masih ada. #JDHRC
  255. I'm at Camden Market (Camden High Street, London) [pic]: http://4sq.com/jhbiH1
  256. Camden Road ini mirip Cihampelas ya ternyata. #JDHRC
  257. Mau beli souvenir tapi Made In China kabeh. Duruktukces. #JDHRC
  258. "Religions of The World". SuperLOL! :))
  259. "If you cannot read Chinese, Please tilt your head to the right". Nice one! :))
  260. #barutau kalo search "weather london" di Google via iPhone keluarnya kayak ginian.
  261. I'm at The Camden Stables Market (Chalk Farm Rd, Camden Town) w/ 2 others [pic]: http://4sq.com/k5FXFo
  262. RT @wenzrawk: Having lunch with @iponghrc @qronoz @deathrockstar at THE CLASH HQ in Stables Market, Camden Town.
  263. Visanya masih berlaku sampe 22 Desember. Bisa sih kalo mau extend. *ngomong sama cermin*
  264. Makan siang bareng @_thunderpanda_ @ipongHRC @wenzrawk. Bener2 berasa makan siang di Jalan Riau (Bandung) :))
  265. Nampaknya Jamming Regional @ParkourJKT kemaren berlangsung meriah ya.
  266. Menuju Heathrow Airport. Sampai jumpa, London. I'll be back! Someday. Ton of thanks, Jack Daniel's Indonesia!
  267. Makasih @LingkyChingo yang udah jadi tour guide di hari pertama gw di sini dan @mahadewa yang udah nyempetin tweetup singkat di London!
  268. Chicken Curry ini ternyata ada nasinya! Mantap gannn! #JDHRC #twittelat @HardRockCalling
  269. “@rezaprabowo: Saudara2, @qronoz udah siap2 mau balik ke Indonesia. Silahkan di follow kembali.” :))
  270. Tadi concierge di InterContinental Park Lane London Hotel pake MacBook Pro. Pas gw liat dari belakangnya ternyata buka Internet Explorer :|
  271. 90% foto2 di London diambilnya pake iPhone. Bawa Canon PowerShot tapi nggak gitu kepake. Next visit musti next gen iPhone nih :)
  272. Saran kalo ke London: Bawa smartphone (iPhone/Android), beli paket data unlimited, dijamin petualangan di kota ini jadi lebih seru :)
  273. Ngecek flight? Pake TripIt. Ngecek cuaca? Ke Google. Ngecek jam buka museum. Ke Google. Nyari arah? Pake Maps + Compass. #iOS #London
  274. It's always hard to say goodbye :) (@ London Heathrow Airport (LHR) w/ 12 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/lsJzqN
  275. Ini softlens bermasalah di tempat yang salah. Kayak orang abis nangis kejer tapi mata kiri doang. Pas di hall Departure lagi :))
  276. Gini deh nasib kalo di negara maju. Antrian yang online check in malah lebih panjang dari yang biasa :|
  277. RT @wenzrawk: Pose ala cover album pertama The Clash di markas mrk di Camden Town. @deathrockstar @qronoz @solehsolihun http://lockerz.com/s/114714459
  278. Buset deh Heathrow Airport ini penuhnya nggak karuan gini
  279. Jadi ternyata kalo pas pulang nggak dicap ya paspornya. #barutau
  280. Kalo nggak dicap gini ya berarti bebas2 aja ya kalo mau extend. Yang penting nggak sampe expired visanya. *mikir*
  281. Ngintip unread email pribadi sama email kantor. Masing2 ada 200an. Musti nguatin iman dulu nih gara2 5 hari ini ada di dunia surreal :))
  282. Kehilangan @_thunderpanda_ dan @wenzrawk setelah urusan counter check in tadi :|
  283. Ada baiknya kita googling "things to do in heathrow airport".
  284. RT @rubiyem: @qronoz keluar dicap gw ngerasa di asia
  285. Daripada rebutan wifi gretongan di Heathrow mendingan pake jatah unlimitednya 3. iPhone tethering FTW!
  286. RT @DianOnno: @Outstandjing @qronoz di US ama di UK gak dicap kalau berangkat....makanya banyak yang illegal...entah di Uganda ya :P
  287. Fail banget ini airport kayak Soekarno-Hatta. Nggak ada yang seru. Bedanya isinya banyakan bule kalo di sini. Sama toiletnya bersihan.
  288. Kalo dapet rejeki ke London lagi dan expire date visanya lama mau disekalianin aja ah :))
  289. RT @inggriasto: @qronoz Ga heran niel, Arsiteknya Soetta & Heathrow itu sama. Tipologi alur fungsinya juga mirip
  290. RT @chainesea: @qronoz Ke Eropa itu perlu detail dr awal kota+tmpt nginep+tgl"nya pas apply visa. Klo visa dah granted & ada prubahan » no big deal.
  291. Bagus juga nih info dari @chainesea. Jadi next time tinggal siapin budget paling nggak buat hidup sebulan lah ya. Sisanya kerja :))
  292. Btw, maksimal bawa botol cuma satu ya kalo masuk Indonesia?
  293. Ya Tuhan, lindungilah teman2 hamba di Indonesia yg saat ini sdg lembur dan siapkanlah diri hamba untuk hal yang sama saat tiba nanti. Amin.
  294. Airbus A380 from London to Dubai. Woohoo!
  295. Eh asik nih. Di Airbus A380 Emirates ICE-nya pake versi baru.
  296. Sebelahan sama orang Bangladesh yang lagi belajar di UK. Sesama orang Asia, ngemengnya langsung nyambung. #apasih
  297. Ahlan wa sahlan! (@ Dubai International Airport (DXB) مطار دبي الدولي w/ 13 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mlugY9
  298. Pilah pilih yang mana yang bisa dijadiin oleh2 buat @magnivate :)
  299. Bro breakfast bro (@ Burger King Terminal 3) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kWAG5A
  300. Kapan ya Garuda Indonesia bisa sampe bikin Soekarno-Hatta jadi hub gede kayak Dubai buat Emirates gini?
  301. Di Dubai Airport ada bioskop nggak sih? Transformers 3 udah nongol kan?
  302. Btw, kemaren ini Insidious main di bioskop ya? Tadi pas di flight LDN-DXB udah ada tuh di in-flight entertainment-nya :)
  303. Kemaren pas lg jalan di Camden Road ada mobil lewat, posternya: "OH YESSS! YESSS! FASTER! FASTER!". Ternyata iklan Virgin Mobile Broadband.
  304. RT @KopdarJakarta: SELAMAT HARI CAPSLOCK SEDUNIA TEMAN-TEMIN :)) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caps_lock#International_Caps_Lock_Day
  305. Qik - Transit in Dubai by Daniel Giovanni http://qik.ly/H2hNQ
  306. “@rioferdy5: In Dubai waiting for the connecting flight to Jakarta....eyes are stinging, 3hrs sleep! Roll on Indonesia!!”. Bro bareng bro!
  309. Oh jadi pada nyari jadwal mendaratnya Rio Ferdinand? Ntar landing jam setengah 11 malem waktu Jakarta. Sambut gw juga ya. *minta dirajam*
  310. Skrg sih gw masih di Burger King. Kalo Rio Ferdinand mungkin di VIP lounge ya. Btw, ntar gw pastiin ya apa flightnya bener sama apa nggak.
  311. Kalo gw emang bener2 hoki, Rio Ferdinand bakal duduk di Economy Class seat 41B kalo nggak 41C :)
  312. Gw gak bilang Rio Ferdinand di economy class lho. Kalo gw sih ngarepnya gitu :))
  313. RT @UtdIndonesia: Confirmed! Rio akan mendarat di Terminal 2 SOETTA dengan pesawat Emirates EK358 pukul 22.40 WIB! Merahkan airport! #MUFC
  314. Mulai menikmati traveling: Ngobrol sm stranger. Sibuk nyari colokan. Copot softlens pas mau masuk pesawat. Ngatur jam tidur biar gak jetlag.
  315. Udah boker, cuci muka, sikat gigi, dan siap sm jersey timnas KW2. Kali2 ntar beneran bisa ketemu Rio Ferdinand :)
  316. Emirates EK 358. Gate open. Semoga beruntung.
  317. Qik - Menuju Terminal 3 Gate 225 di Dubai Int'l Airport by Daniel Giovanni http://qik.ly/H2jZ4
  318. Selamat malam, Jakardahhh! Ngantri gila nih di imigrasi (@ Terminal 2D w/ 11 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/junpsu
  319. Pindah jadi warga negara EXIT aja boleh nggak? Ini ngantri di yang INDONESIAN lama gila nih.
  320. RT @zanqier: Rame ginilah pada nungguin ferdinand. Bukan pada nunggu @qronoz kan? http://t.co/7etrsgB
  321. Yaoloh. Mau masuk negara sendiri aja apa susahnya sih dicap doang terus dikasih jalan?
  322. Rio Ferdinand udah keluar tuh. Gw masih nyangkut di imigrasi. Hokinya gw cuma sampe sepesawat doang ternyata :))
  323. Yak. Malah diajak bonyok nginep di sini dulu ternyata. (@ Jakarta Airport Hotel) http://4sq.com/jZB2sD
  324. RT @zanqier: Ini dia rio ferdinand, karena seflight sama @qronoz jd bs skalian liat sepintas pas lg jmpt barusan. http://t.co/SkDRxP3
  325. Ngantuk nggak ngantuk harus dipaksain tidur nih. Btw, kok udah tanggal 29 Juni aja nih ya?
  326. Pengen bikin postingan seputar trip kmrn ini tapi gak tau musti mulai dr mana. Yaudah ah tidur dulu aja. Kali aja besok nongol lagi niatnya.