Monday, May 30, 2011

Chris Anderson: Don't pursue your passion. Pursue the things that will empower you. Knowledge, discipline, generosity.

Don't pursue your passion directly. At least not yet. Instead... pursue the things that will empower you. Pursue knowledge. Be relentlessly curious. Listen, learn. You're leaving Harvard this week, but your learning cannot ever, ever be allowed to stop.

Pursue discipline. It's an old-fashioned word, but it's never been more important.Today's world is full of an impossible number of distractions. The world-changers are those who find a way of ignoring most of them.

And above all. Pursue generosity. Not just because it will add meaning to your life -- though it will do that -- but because your future is going to be built on great ideas and in the future you are entering, great ideas HAVE to be given away. They do. The world is more interconnected than ever. The rules of what you give and what you hold on to have changed forever. If you hold on to your best ideas, maybe you can for a moment grab some short-term personal commercial gain. But if you let them roam free, they can spread like wildfire, earning you a global reputation. They can be reshaped and improved by others. They can achieve impact and influence in the world far greater than if you were to champion them alone. If we've discovered anything at TED these past few years, it's that radical openness pays. We gave away our talks on the web, and far from killing demand for the conference, it massively increased it, turning TED from something which reached 800 people once a year to something which reached half a million people every day. We gave away our brand in the form of TEDx, and far from diluting TED, it democratized it, and multiplied its footprint a thousand fold.

Knowledge, discipline, generosity. If you pursue those with all the determination you possess, one day before too long, without you even knowing it, the chance to realize your most spectacular dreams will come gently tap you on the shoulder and whisper... let's go.  And you'll be ready.

And that is how you're going to help shape a better future for all of us.

Friday, May 27, 2011

What did I do on May 27, 2010?

Yesterday, I posted my checkins result from Recently, I've just received my result from pastposts. Did not really much back on that day, eh? Just try it if you're curious about what you did back in a year ago :)



May 27, 2010

Let's see what you did that day Daniel. Let's. See.

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Picture?type=square Arnold Sitorus at 09:05 pm
lu ke cinere mall aja dulu. ada McD (deket rs puri cinere), nah lu tunggu disana. nanti hub gw aja ke hape kalo udh sampe ok
Picture?type=square Daniel Giovanni at 12:05 am
kok gw gak ada nomer lo sih nold?
Picture?type=square Kiki Desmaykha at 09:05 pm
daneeeeeelllll besok bareng gw ajaaaaaaaa!! muqit juga bareng gw!! sms gw cung!!
Picture?type=square Daniel Giovanni at 12:05 am
sms terbalas cuy

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Where were I on May 26, 2010?

According to, I were checking in at Magnivate, Warung Nasi Brainstorming, then head back to Magnivate again. You should try it! :)



Hi there Daniel!

May 26, 2010 was a Wednesday. Here are your checkins from that day:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

9:14 AM Default Magnivate
"Absen pagi!"

9:31 AM "Happy birthday, @unwinged! Salam dahsyat! :D"

12:17 PM Default Warung Nasi Brainstorming Nenek & Kakek Super Enak Bolo-Bolo
Asian Restaurant
"Nyobain sop tulang iga. Katanya enak."

1:00 PM "Warung nasi ini bener2 butuh bantuan tenaga kerja tambahan. Yang makan puluhan orang tapi yang kerjain cuma sepasang opa oma."

1:52 PM Default Magnivate
"Kembali ke leptop!"

Tweet about this!

Nice job year-ago Daniel! That was a solid day. How about a repeat this year?

Coming up in the next week:

1 Church, 1 Home, 1 Park, 1 Indie Movie Theater, 1 Multiplex, 1 Automotive Shop, 1 Movie Theater, 5 Universities, 1 Hospital, 2 Asian Restaurants, 2 Offices, and 1 Miscellaneous Shop.

benny + jonathan + matt

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What if you can pay less insurance premium by taking more runs and exercises?

Awesome concept of a health insurance! More run, less amount to pay for your insurance. It really bring back "health insurance" into "health" itself. What's your opinion?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Review bokap setelah naik pesawat Merpati MA 60 waktu trip ke Waingapu kemarin

MA-60_1.pdf Download this file

Pagi tadi bokap ngirim email ke gue sama adek gue. Isinya ternyata review doi tentang pesawat Merpati MA 60 yang dipake waktu trip ke Waingapu kemaren. Emang nih ya, kalo engineer vision-nya beda. Ini kutipan isi email dari doi, lengkap sama .pdf yang dia bikin lengkap sama foto-fotonya.

Dear all,
My experience flying with the new Merpati MA 60.
The engine is strong - P&W engine
But Safety seems very poor:
1. Very narrow space in side
2. Loaded with 64 passanger
3. Main door is small like enter a small cave
4. emergency door is small
should be problem during emergency evacuation.
Best regards,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Apparently there's a scientific answer why does Apple could be considered as a religion

Next time Grandma asks why you're going to the mall on Sunday morning instead of church, tell her you're going to Apple Chapel.

For Apple fans, the brand triggers a reaction in the brain that's not unlike that of religious devotees, according to a BBC documentary series that cites neurological research.

The neuroscientists ran a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test on an Apple fanatic and discovered that images of the technology company's gadgets lit up the same parts of the brain as images of a deity do for religious people, the report says.

The first episode of the documentary shows Apple employees "whipped up into some sort of crazy, evangelical frenzy" at the recent opening of an Apple store in London.

So, are you a true believers? An agnostic? A fanatic? Who cares. Let's go to the Apple Church! :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sedikit penjelasan singkat tentang parkour oleh Adit MasterChef aka @roarcadets

  • #1 jd pertama2, parkour itu adalah sebuah disiplin. bukan olahraga, bukan seni bela diri. dan seperti disiplin2 lainnya, parkour punya pedoman.
  • #2 itulah mengapa, tidak ada istilah "atlet" "amatir" "profesional" atau sebutan2 lain untuk mnyebut orang yg berlatih parkour. hanya praktisi.
  • #3 praktisi parkour. orang yang mempraktekan disiplin2 dalam parkour. parkour sendiri lahir di Lisses, Perancis. oleh seorg brnama David Belle.
  • #4 karena parkour bukan olahraga, makanya tidak mengenal adanya istilah kompetisi. hanya olahragawan lah yg berkompetisi untuk membela sesuatu.
  • #5 dalam ajaran parkour, kita bukan membela, tapi kita melindungi sesuatu. keluarga, teman, org sekitar, lingkungan, dan semua yg membutuhkan.
  • #6 parkour itu bkn skedar olah fisik saja. tapi lbih difokuskan kpd pngembangan jati diri seseorg. apa yg bisa dilihat mata, itu hasil latihan.
  • #7 apa yg tidak bisa dilihat mata, itu hasil ketekunan dan pengembangan diri. hanya bisa dirasakan.
  • #8 akhir2 ini, pngertian akan parkour mulai mmudar. hal ini dkarnakan banyaknya media dan pebisnis yg melihat potensi dr parkour untuk di"jual"
  • #9 apa yg mereka inginkan adalah salto2, loncatan2 berbahaya. sesuatu yg menarik minat konsumen yg hanya bisa menikmati dengan mata.
  • #10 padahal, parkour jauh dari itu semua. parkour mengutamakan sesuatu yg efektif dan efisien. bukan sesuatu yg HARUS sedap dipandang mata.
  • #11 parkour adalah sesuatu yg jujur dan penuh kebebasan yg bertanggung jawab. bukan ambisi untuk mencapai sesuatu. untuk memenangkan sesuatu.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Menurut mereka, jailbreak di iPhone dan iPod itu ...

Di hari Minggu, 8 Mei 2011, gue iseng-iseng nanya ke timeline:
Did you jailbreak your iPhone/iPod? Please answer along with the reason :) ~@qronoz

Kemudian muncullah berbagai macam tweet yang meresponi tweet di atas:
  • no! karena sayang aja, dan pasti ada efek yg terjadi apapun itu, dan.. menghindari piracy! ~@benakribo
  • include iPad? No, maksudnya Not Yet, krn ga sempet jg :p ~@arykristyanto
  • pastinya, supaya bisa download game gratis ~@irfanbennington
  • to use applications not available in the App Store. ~@bellamy
  • nope! Karena gak perlu, game atau aplikasi yg didownload msh terjangkau kok ;) ~@Liiids
  • dari 2007 ga pernah JB. Never tempted. And never will be. Reason: errr I love shopping on itunes so much? :D ~@cicik
  • No. 1. Repot kalau mau update. 2. I like the iOS for what it is already. ~@snursalim
  • yes!..and friend's also..cuz I want to break jew monopoly :D ~@di2t
  • jailbreak doooong ;) biar bisa download application gratis ! lagian garansi ga ilang ini lah di apple store ;) ~@sisysisysisy 
  • jailbreak. Hanya untuk tampilan, spt font and themes. Apps beli semua di apps store. ~@cenkii
  • tapi iPhone tahun 2007 kalau ngga dijailbreak ngga bisa pake kartu selain operator origin lho. ~@idiphone
  • ngga diJB, karena beli App di iTunes murah2. Ga punya CC? Ada iTunes Gift Card, tinggal redeem. ~@goenrock
  • Had once before.. not anymore. JB makes run out of battery ~@e_pram
  • I did. I want to be an admin, more than a user ~@iPhoer
  • Nope, gak ngerti soalnya. Haha.. ~@gabzpanda
  • kbanyakan org JB biar bisa install app berbayar dengan gratis. Di app store jg byk app gratis/digratisin. ~@dbig_J
  • app berbayar yg diinstall gratis lewat JB biasanya di crack dan itu piracy. JB is ok but piracy is big NO! ~@dbig_J
  • JB (Y). Ever heard of SBSettings, Winterboard, Wifisync? You should. ~@rezaprabowo
  • kalo jailbreak tujuannya buat make bajakan, itu berarti kesian. Bisa beli hp mahal, beli app sedolar aja pelit ~@bellamy
  • JB? Yes! I want to expand my iPhone capabilities more than Apple allowed to. ~@fauzanalfi
  • Gw butuh 500 dollar utk beberapa app, mau sumbangin? ~@langgofarid
  • nope, ribet kl ada update. ~@garyevano
  • Bkn mslh pelitnya kali ya, mgkin krn gak pnya CC muungkin loh ~@eriverde
  • masalahnya itu, hampir semua toko HP di sini yang educate user kalo jailbreak = bisa pake bajakan. ~@bellamy
  • Dari iPhone 2007 udah eksperimen macem2 jailbreak. Skrg pake iPhone 4 udah males. Pengen fokus jadi pemakai aja :D ~@pinot
  • jailbreak... so lots of things can be tweaked, includes appsync :) ~@stay_focus21
  • iyes jailbreak. simply biar ga usah byr app. tp jatohnya gak bs update app. jalan terbaik adl minta tolong hacker account iTunes :D ~@riwikaso
Kesimpulannya? Silakan Anda tentukan sendiri dan share lewat comment di bawah ini:

Thursday, May 5, 2011